Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Social Justice.
Critical Race Theory (CRT) divides people into the oppressors and the oppressed based on skin color. It presupposes that everything about American society is racist and assumes that white people are inherently racist, supporting white supremacy or white nationalism. It sees people as groups, not individuals. From a political standpoint, CRT closely aligns with concepts such as Marxism, communism, nationalism, progressivism, intersectionality, and modern social justice.
Black Liberation Theology is Another Gospel - it puts race first, not the gospel; it says the gospel is not for everyone; it presents two Christianities (one is White and wicked, the other is Black, righteous, and oppressed); and it redefines sin (oppressors are in no position to speak about the sinfulness of the oppressed). Read more from The Center for Biblical Unity.
The opponents of CRT reject the promotion of Oppressor-Oppressed narratives on the church and society while supporting fighting the evil of abortion and racism and engaging in personal and church-related charitable works to aid the poor. ….read more at The Social Justice Gospel on display: Strawman attacks, ethnic Gnosticism, and theological illiteracy.
Which BIPOC Voices Should I Follow and Avoid? - BIPOC stands for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. This article presents two "racial reconciliation" models, biblical authors, and voices to follow on this topic and who to avoid.
Dallas Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel - In response to the surge of Social Justice warriors among evangelical leaders, theologically sound pastors came together to create what is known as the Dallas Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel. Look at the signers and use that list as your go-to for solid, theological teaching.
For those who are against the Dallas Statement, it’s wise to stay clear of their influence - namely, the folks at The Gospel Coalition:
“There are many ways we are called to imitate Christ. Pretending that we can or should pay for other people’s sins isn’t one of them. Suggesting we should do so cheapens the “once-for-all” atoning work of our Lord on the cross. There is only one Christ.”
Biblical Response to Critical Race Theory
The Bible says there is only one race, the human race. According to Scripture, all people are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26). Therefore, all people are worthy of respect. For Christians, prejudice, whether in favor or against people, is forbidden in Scripture (James 2).
Because the heart is desperately wicked and deceitful (Jeremiah 17:9) and no one does good (Romans 3:10-12), we all have the propensity to sin. Racism is a sin. But, it is not restricted only to those who have white skin. It exists among all people groups. It is our nature to judge others by our standards, leading to racism. Instead, we need to judge others by the standard that God has revealed in Scripture and through the person of Christ. After all, we are all equally in need of redemption and repentance.
Christian believers must reject any aspect of a philosophy that conflicts with Biblical ideals. Critical race theory is deeply rooted in worldviews utterly incompatible with the Bible.
History of the Critical Race Theory (podcast)
The best resource for understanding CRT history comes from Darrell B. Harrison and Virgil L. Walker's Just Thinking podcast( Episode #108). Just Thinking is one of the top-ranked Christian podcasts in America.
In their famous #108 podcast episode, they spend three hours discussing the history, components, and threats that Critical Race Theory poses to the church and society. It’s a long one but worth every minute. If necessary, you can break it up into sections over a few days, but please take the time to listen and learn.
For many professing evangelicals today, Critical Race Theory is a philosophy steeped in confusion and ambiguity. That is by design. In this expanded episode of the Just Thinking podcast, Darrell Harrison and Virgil “Omaha” Walker spend more than three hours unpacking the origins, tenets, and threats that Critical Race Theory poses to the evangelical church and society.
John Cooper talks with special guest Neil Shenvi about critical race theory: what it is, what it looks like, why it’s a concern, and lastly, how it presents itself as an initiative for racial justice but divides and poisons instead.
You have heard the phrase “white privilege,” the need for “safe spaces” on campuses, and perhaps the tongue-twister “intersectionality.” Behind all these is an ideology called critical theory, a form of cultural Marxism that divides society into the oppressed and the oppressors. Dr. Doug Groothuis joins the discussion in this episode.
What is the true goal of Critical Race Theory? What about white privilege? Here's a short, straightforward answer to that from Alisa Childers. This clip was taken from the Women's Conference "Be. Ready."
Woke War: How Social Justice and CRT Became Heresy for Evangelicals by Owen Strachan (article) - Christians can follow Jesus or be awakened. But they can’t do both. Wokeness and its underlying theories deny evangelical theology, which holds that personal sin leads to evil and that repentance and acceptance of Jesus’ grace is the way out.
What does the Bible say about Critical Race Theory? (video + article) - Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality are social justice philosophies often paired and abbreviated CRT/I. Critical race theory divides people into various racial groups and examines who has privilege and who doesn’t. It’s in bed with intersectionality, examining who experiences more discrimination at intersecting points in their identity.
Critical Race Theory: What It Is and How to Fight It (article) - Christopher F. Rufo is the founder and director of Battlefront, a public policy research center. This article is adapted from a lecture delivered at Hillsdale College on March 30, 2021. He runs through a brief history and definition of Critical Race Theory, then discusses the logical contradictions and tips to defeat the forces trying to push this unbiblical agenda on the American people.
By What Standard? God’s World, God’s Rules (video) - this documentary by Founders Ministries shows how godless ideologies such as CRT are being promoted as reliable by some leaders, churches, and organizations. By twisting the Bible’s view of justice, many unbiblical agendas are being advanced under the guise of honoring and protecting women, promoting racial reconciliation, and showing love and compassion to people experiencing sexual dysphoria. This video “sounds an alarm” and calls for pastors & churches to stand firm by reaffirming the authority and sufficiency of the Bible.
EVANGELICALS AND RACE THEORY by Carl R. Trueman (article)
The Marxist Eschatology of Critical Race Theory (article)
Drawing from a diverse range of theologians, sociologists, artists, and activists, this book makes the case that we must be discerning to "truly execute justice" as Scripture commands. Not everything called "social justice" today is compatible with a biblical vision of a better world. The Bible offers hopeful and distinctive answers to deep questions of worship, community, salvation, and knowledge that should mark a uniquely Christian pursuit of justice. This book looks beyond the divides of the left and right to discover how a Christian worldview speaks truth, hope, and unity into the most polarizing social justice controversies of our day. It presents a compelling vision of justice that offers hopeful answers to life’s biggest questions.
A critical social justice worldview is not simply a set of beliefs. It is a way of viewing the world that is built on assumptions about, among other things, humanity, authority, evil, and justice. This book explains the sinister worldview behind the social justice movement and Critical Race Theory. It reveals how it has infiltrated some seminaries, leading to internal denominational conflict, canceled careers, and lost livelihoods. This book is one of our recommended women’s Bible studies. It comes with a DVD and a study guide. See our recommended studies here.
The social unrest of 2020 has swept through schools, businesses, and even sports. Many evangelicals have joined the crusade. Gripped by a desire for justice and rightly grieved by past evils like slavery, many pastors are preaching the woke gospel—identifying “whiteness” (an imaginary concept) with “white supremacy,” calling bewildered Christians to repent of their supposed guilt for the sins of past generations. This is not true justice or Christianity. Strachan traces the origins of wokeness, lays out its premises, and follows them to their logical conclusions. The contrast of that false faith with the Word of God stands out unmistakably. This concise, groundbreaking work reveals that wokeness, like other heresies, is not new. Nor is the antidote: Christ crucified for us.
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