Take Caution with These Teachers and Organizations.

He that cannot be safely imitated ought not to be tolerated in a pulpit.
— Charles Spurgeon

As you learn theology, be sure to research the sources you choose. You should consider the teaching and guidance of leaders and organizations very carefully and with caution. Some of these leaders are blatant false teachers, while others may need to be set aside due to their liberal leanings so you can see where they’re headed as time passes. You can use this list as a starting point for your own research and make the appropriate decisions.

Beware of supposing that a preacher is to be trusted because he teaches much truth but holds some unsound views. Such a teacher is precisely the man to do you harm: poison is always most dangerous when given in small doses and mixed with wholesome food (J.C. Ryle).

If a teacher has a pattern of going astray in even one area, they offer you poison. God guides us on the importance of guarding what goes into our minds. Be diligent and cautious about what you allow into your mind:

  • God says to guard your hearts and your minds (Philippians 4),

  • to keep your heart with all vigilance (Proverbs 4),

  • discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you (Proverbs 2),

  • do not let wisdom and understanding out of your sight; preserve sound judgment and discretion; they will be life for you, an ornament to grace your neck (Proverbs 3)

  • be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve God’s will (Romans 12)

Guidance for Evaluation

  • You are NOT evaluating personality, preaching style, clothes, voice sound, or whether they’re tall or short, etc.

  • You are NOT evaluating based on one or two unwise decisions you disagree with or any secondary issues such as baptism.

  • You are NOT evaluating whether or not they have saving faith (have salvation and eternal life).

  • You are NOT evaluating based on how eloquent their sermons are in the pulpit, how many best-selling books they've produced, or how many years of pastoring they boast.

  • You are evaluating the content of their message to determine if it is false teaching. False doctrine distorts the Bible in some way and belittles and attacks the person and/or work of Christ.

  • You are evaluating if they doublespeak. Doublespeak is when verbiage is used to deceive. It’s any language deliberately constructed to disguise or distort its actual meaning, often by employing ambiguity. You will know this is happening when you’re unsure where they stand on particular topics.

  • You are evaluating whether they are consistent and have integrity. Do they handle the Word correctly inside the pulpit while their actions and words outside the pulpit align with what is taught? Do they teach one thing in the pulpit yet teach or say the opposite in an interview, article, or by their actions, etc?

  • You are evaluating based on a pattern of unrepentant, unwise, and unbiblical decisions and teaching over time.

  • You are evaluating based on if they blow with the cultural winds of the moment. If they grab hold of the new, shiny speaker/teacher/topic and promote them without first waiting, testing, and weighing the effect of such on the church, this leader should be held with caution.

  • You are evaluating if they promote, support, or partner with others who teach anything contrary to the Word, lending legitimacy to false teaching. They should be wise and diligent in protecting the flock and God's name and not play fast and loose with the impressions given to the people sitting in the pews.

  • Overall, you are evaluating potential resources to make the most prudent decision about what enters your mind. We are not wanting for good theological learning material. We don’t need to settle for the popular speaker, pastor, leader, or organization of the moment. Be discerning about who you allow to lead you spiritually or otherwise. We become what we feed our minds.

    We know them by their fruit - inside and outside of the pulpit. Judgment and evaluation of them are for their own sake (James 3), for the protection of the church and your mind, and in reverence to God's name.


Leaders To Avoid.