The Roman Catholic Church.

The errors of the Roman Catholic Church are profound and significant. In the Roman Catholic system, a person is saved by grace and one’s good works. Catholics are taught to worship and pray to God through Mary and “saints," their spiritual authority comes from church tradition before the Bible.

Biblically, the Bible is the final spiritual authority, not church tradition. A person is saved before God only by grace, only through faith, only in Christ, and all for God’s glory alone.

Protestant Christians may share a common cause with Roman Catholics on social issues but have no cause in the gospel, as the views on salvation are wholly different and unreconcilable. Rome has compromised the gospel with her unbiblical doctrines. As Christian churches, we must stand for the Biblical gospel. It is our responsibility and calling to hold high the truth and expose falsehood. To this end, it is essential that we know and understand what Rome is teaching so distinctions can be made.

The Heresy of the Roman Catholic Church by G3 Ministries (podcast)

Misunderstanding Vatican II by R.C. Sproul (article) -

The Myth of Influence by Robert Godfrey (article) - We must allow the Bible in its fullness to direct our thinking and our doing. We must remember that Paul did not preach an abbreviated gospel but declared the whole counsel of God.

The Doctrine of Imputation by Stephen Nichols (article) - the doctrines of imputation and justification were challenged in moments like Evangelical and Catholics Together. They have also been challenged in contemporary movements such as the so-called New Perspective on Paul. We want to draw a clear line in the sand to respond to this dangerous theological drift.

A Primer on Roman Catholicism by John Gerstner (article series)

Roman Catholicism by R.C. Sproul (audio) - a five-part teaching series explaining the differences that divide Roman Catholics and Protestants.

What Does the Roman Catholic Church Believe About Justification? by R.C.Sproul (article)

The Essential Difference between the Protestant and Roman Catholic Views of Assurance by Robert Godfrey (article + video)

Proclaiming the Gospel by Mike Gendron (website) - this ministry is driven by their deep compassion for Roman Catholics who are deceived and unaware.

Rick Warren embraces Catholicism (article + video)

How Should Protestants Relate to Roman Catholics? by R.C. Sproul

Irreconcilable Differences: Catholics, Evangelicals, and the New Quest for Unity, Parts 1-3 by John MacArthur, RC Sproul (article + audio)

Why Are Protestant and Catholic Bibles Different? by John Meade (article)

Answering Catholic Objections with Mike Gendron

Are Catholics Christians?

Mike Gendron joins pastors Jon Benzinger and Kyle Swanson on the Redeeming Truth Podcast to discuss Catholicism vs. The Bible.

Is Roman Catholicism "true Christianity?" In this episode, Costi Hinn quotes the Roman Catholic Church teachings that directly contradict the Bible and compares them to the true teaching of Scripture. This list is derived from Mike Gendron's excellent resources on Roman Catholicism and showcases why Roman Catholicism is blatant heresy and not merely a varying denomination of Christianity. It is not Christianity.

The guys discuss Catholicism. To begin, they reiterate that they are in no way trying to talk down to Catholic people but instead are speaking the truth and being honest about a religious institution that they believe has seriously harmful teachings. Catholics and Christians do have things in common, such as believing in the existence of God and the person of Jesus Christ, but the glaring differences can not be overlooked.

Protestant Christians and Roman Catholics Coming Together

Some Christian leaders believe we can link arms with Roman Catholics because we’re ultimately all striving after a just society. In this society, they believe every human being and institution can thrive as God has called them to. But this is false. We, as Christians, are called to proclaim the gospel of the Bible. Fixing society is not the ultimate goal; we are to tell people about Jesus. Now, in proclaiming the gospel, society becomes better for it. But the gospel- God’s power- restores a sinful humanity, not us. He may use us, but it’s His work, through His means (preach the gospel, Matthew 28:19), not ours. We cannot partner with Roman Catholics, even to combat the most critical social problems of the day, because Roman Catholics have a different gospel. And it is the gospel that fixes those social problems. As John MacArthur states in an article below, these declarations that Roman Catholics and Christians have signed ultimately relegate the essence of the gospel truth to a secondary issue.

The Declarations:

In 1994 and again in 2009, several well-known Christian leaders came together with Roman Catholics to sign declarations claiming they no longer had differences. The criticism by discerning Christian leaders was prolific. It would be wise to look at who signed these documents and hold each (and their work) with caution - questioning their understanding of the gospel, ability to discern error, and wisdom concerning the spirit of the age and signs of the times. You’ll find that many of these signers eventually embraced the social justice gospel of Critical Race Theory and Gay Theology. These declarations are described below: The Evangelicals and Catholics Together (ECT) in 1994 and the Manhattan Declaration in 2009.

Evangelicals and Catholics Together - a 1994 document signed by Christian and Catholic leaders. Notable signers include:

  • Mr. Charles Colson of Prison Fellowship,

  • Dr. Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention and Southern Evangelical Seminary,

  • Richard John Neuhaus, who was once Lutheran, then defected to the Roman Catholic Church,

  • Mr. Brian O’Connell of World Evangelical Fellowship/Alliance,

  • Dr. Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ (now known as Cru),

  • Dr. Os Guinness,

  • Dr. Mark Noll of Regent College,

  • Dr. J. I. Packer of Regent College.

The United Religions (article) - numerous attempts have been made to bring all religions into a one-world religion. This attempt will eventually squeeze out a gospel that proclaims Christ as Lord.

Evangelical Compromise (ebook download) - C. H. Spurgeon’s timely words apply now even more than in his day, “Since he was cursed who rebuilt Jericho, much more the man who labors to restore Popery among us. In our fathers’ days, the gigantic walls of Popery fell by the power of their faith, the perseverance of their efforts, and the blast of their gospel trumpets.”

Evangelicals and Catholics Together by John MacArthur (article) - many assume that with signatures from men of this stature, “Evangelicals and Catholics Together” must be a trustworthy document, not a compromise of Reformation distinctive. But is that a safe assumption to make? As the pressure mounts for evangelicals to succeed in the political realm and fight for cultural morality, they capitulate to the new ecumenism. The mandate they assume is cultural and temporal, not spiritual and eternal. Ecumenical unity with Roman Catholicism is not essential to furthering the kingdom of God. Evangelism of Roman Catholics is. To waive the latter goal in pursuing the former is a grave mistake.

The Manhattan Declaration - in 2009, a coalition of cobelligerents came together to sign this document concerned primarily with three fundamental issues: the sanctity of life, the meaning of marriage, and the nature of religious liberty. Notable signers include:

  • Legal scholar Robert P. George,

  • Chuck Colson (also signed ECT above),

  • Danny Akin, President of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary,

  • Randy Alcorn, founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries

  • Rt. Rev. David Anderson of the American Anglican Council,

  • Kay Arthur, Bible teacher

  • Joel Belz, founder of World Magazine,

  • James Dobson of Focus on the Family,

  • Ligon Duncan, Chancellor/CEO of Reformed Theological Seminary

  • Bishop Robert Duncan of the ACNA

  • Wayne Grudem, co-founder and past president of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

  • Tim Keller, pastor

  • Alex McFarland of Southern Evangelical Seminary,

  • Rev. Martyn Minns of the ACNA,

  • Albert Mohler, Jr. of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary,

  • Marvin Olasky of The Discovery and Acton Institutes,

  • J.I. Packer (also signed ECT),

  • Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council,

  • David Platt, pastor

  • Joni Eareckson Tada, Bible teacher

  • Michael Youssef, pastor

  • Apologists Ken Boa, Josh McDowell, and Ravi Zacharias.

The Manhattan Declaration: Why didn’t you sign it, R.C.? by R.C. Sproul (article) - the Manhattan Declaration confuses common grace and special grace by combining them. The document calls Christians to unite in “the Gospel,” “the Gospel of costly grace,” and “the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in its fullness.” How could I sign something that confuses the gospel and obscures the very definition of who is and who is not a Christian?

The Manhattan Declaration by John MacArthur (article) - Although I agree with the document’s opposition to same-sex marriage, abortion, and other key moral problems threatening our culture, the document falls far short of identifying the one true and ultimate remedy for all of humanity’s moral ills: the gospel.

Dr. Mohler, It’s Time to Burn The Manhattan Declaration by Chuck O’Neil (article) - For the love of Christ, the love and protection of Christ’s true Church, and the love of 1.2 billion perishing Roman Catholic souls — I urged Dr. Mohler to correct his “mistake.” Remember, this isn’t just any mistake; it’s a Gospel-undermining, Protestant Reformation-reversing mistake. It’s unconscionable for Dr. Mohler to recognize and call this a “mistake” and leave it uncorrected for eight long years.

The Troubling Aspects of the Manhattan Declaration by James White (article) - many have re-organized their priorities in light of having made “common cause” with those who have a false gospel, all in the name of doing social good. It’s good if Rome retains elements of God’s truth and morality. But when did being good or moral bring salvation, as if anyone is ever truly good or ethical?

The Manhattan Declaration: What Price is Co-belligerency? by Guy Davies (article) - the Manhattan Declaration seems to suggest that all proclaim the same gospel. Church-level differences are acknowledged, but it is assumed that all involved parties are “Christians” and “fellow believers” who share a common gospel vision.


Compromising Evangelicals Are Trying to Reverse the Reformation


By Sproul, R.C.

Are We Together? by R.C. Sproul

R.C. Sproul takes his stand for the doctrines of Protestantism in opposition to the errors of the Roman Catholic Church. Sproul cites the historical statements of the Protestant Reformers and the Roman Catholic authorities, then references modern doctrinal statements to show that the Roman Catholic Church has not altered its official positions. In light of this continuing gap, efforts by some in the evangelical camp to find common ground with Rome on matters at the heart of the gospel are untrue to biblical teaching. The Reformation remains relevant.

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