Ann Voskamp False Teacher.

Ann Voskamp teaches:

  • God is present in all things.  This is panentheism.  The Bible clearly teaches that God is not in time (or bubbles), nor is He a part of time, nor is time part of God.

  • Hospitality is our theology.

  • She’s a proponent of the heretical social justice movement in evangelicalism.

  • She speaks of God’s love erotically and romanticizes her relationship with Christ, thinking of Christ as a lover — not just a savior. This heresy is called theoerocism, sometimes called theoeroticism.

  • She teaches signs from God are how he speaks to us.

  • She claims a new revelation from God.

False Teacher of the Day: Ann Voskamp (article) - Voskamp is popular among the continuationist camp of quasi-Reformed Evangelicals like Matt Chandler and John Piper, but she is particularly popular among Evangelical women with her books, devotionals, and daily blog posts. But is she safe, sound, and biblical? Besides embracing the Evangelical social justice movement and joining the ranks of woke Christendom–as has the vast majority of Evangelicalism–she also teaches that “hospitality” is our theology and is the theology of the cross. Voskamp thinks about God in a dangerous way as she, like many Christian women authors, speaks of God’s love for them erotically.

Please, Women, Stop Reading Ann Voskamp (article) - women, such as Voskamp, Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, etc., tend to write and speak in ways that are emotionally captivating to women and draw them into the experience. While so much of it seems benign on the surface, it’s very dangerous and borderline blasphemous at a deeper level. Voskamp implies that Jesus' sacrificial death on the cross wasn’t enough for God to express his love and grace to us and that Scripture alone isn’t enough for him to communicate it.

Sorry, Church Ladies, Jesus is Not Your Romantic Partner (article) - the apostle Paul didn’t write about sprinting into Christ’s open arms for a comforting cuddle. He spoke of a God who saves but also of a God who demands, a God who loves and judges. It’s time our worship reflected this complete picture, not just the conveniently palatable bits.

One Thousand Gifts (article) - former New Age Marica Montenegro addresses Voskamp’s New Age teachings, which include Panentheism and Theological Erotica. Marcia has many good resources on New Age teachings creeping into the church.

Lord Almighty Or Cosmic Sex Partner? (article) - Voskamp cannot understand God’s absolute holiness. Yes, there’s a sense in which He demands that we imitate His holiness, but in a more basic respect, His holiness differentiates Him from His creation. Thus, it differentiates Him from us. Because of His innate distinction from us, the very thought of viewing Him as a sexual partner borders on blasphemy.

Through the Narrow – What About the If: Gathering? (article) - Ann Voskamp was the apparent issue in the whole IF: Gathering because even the women at my church who praised IF at the end (sadly, many did and saw little wrong with what they just sat through) admitted that Voskamp was truly disturbing. Ann made little biblical sense and even sounded like she was trying to brainwash us with her repetitiveness and tone. Ann Voskamp is a known false teacher, writing and teaching twisted things about our Lord, yet has been a repeated guest speaker for IF: Gathering.

Through the Narrow – Ann Voskamp Seductive Romanticism by Tami Dykes (article) - Ann writes and teaches mysticism, pantheism, Romanticism, sensuality, and new revelations. She’s very seductive in her speech and ideas about God and says God wants this with us, too. There is a vast difference between having a respectful, close relationship with God that is within biblical teachings vs. a sensual, intimate relationship with God that makes most people cringe. It means nothing if a “nice person” who does “good things” teaches against the Scriptures. It means nothing if your good works are over and above God’s law.

What Do Ann Voskamp, Beth Moore, and Sarah Young Have In Common? (article) - all three women have succumbed to the wiles of our enemy, the devil—leading masses away from sound doctrine and luring them to follow and practice panentheism, western mysticism (e.g., Lectio Divina), extra-biblical revelations, and viewing our holy relationship with God Almighty in a sexual manner. All three women give us a sense that we can do something to be holy and to commune more intimately with God—elevating a person's sense of accomplishment rather than humbling us and bringing us to our knees with utter gratitude and indebtedness for all the Father has given to us in His Son Jesus Christ alone.

Voskamps Speech at Moody (video + excerpts below) - examples of scripture twisting. "The very shape of Christianity + the cross itself is that of hospitality. The wide-open arms of Jesus on that cross are...the form of the ultimate hospitality—the form of welcome. 'Come. I want you. I invite you. I want to be with you.’” And "There's a whole Esther generation + we are done with easy. Who says to the North American church: Be concerned for the poor but be no less concerned for us, the rich...who have done just enough to massage our consciences...but not enough that we've ever felt sacrifice."

Teacher to Avoid - Ann Voskamp by Wandering Pilgrims (article)

Michelle Lesley’s Page of Many Resources on Ann Voskamp (webpage)

Partners or People/Organizations who Promote Ann Voskamp: GraceLaced with Ruth Chou Simmons, She Reads Truth with Amanda Bible Williams and Raechel Myers, The IF Gathering with Jennie Allen, The Gospel Coalition (TGC), Annie Downs, Kirk Cameron.


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In this episode, Costi Hinn sits down with Justin Peters and asks him big questions about false teaching, red flags to watch for, and the importance of Christian discernment.

Sometimes, when we bring up a current book or author to help our audience discern the ideas being taught by reasoning through whether or not they are true and reflect a biblical worldview, we receive comments like, “Hey, did you reach out to this person privately before calling them out publicly?” or “You should have that person on your show so they can explain their view before you criticize them.” Often, commenters will bring up Matthew 18:15, which tells Christians to go to someone directly if they have sinned against them. But is this what Matthew 18:15 is teaching? Should we prioritize unity at all costs?

Rejecting false teachers with Steven Lawson.

HERESY: From the Greek word hairesis, meaning choice.’ It refers to teachings contradicting another teaching that has been accepted as the norm. It was to convey the idea of choosing for oneself as opposed to receiving from God what He has been passed down. The early church fathers used the word for it alludes to the choice made in the fall of humanity. Adam and Eve chose the garden. A choice to rebel against revealed truth and define good and evil, truth and error on their own terms rather than have God pass down His Truth, His Morality as they walked together in the cool of the day.

False Teaching Study Guide


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