Should Christians Use Preferred Pronouns.

As Rosaria Butterfield explains, using transgender pronouns is sinful:

  • Using transgendered pronouns is a sin against the ninth commandment and encourages people to sin against the tenth commandment.

  • Using transgendered pronouns is a sin against the creation ordinance.

  • Using transgendered pronouns is a sin against image-bearing.

  • Using transgendered pronouns discourages a believer’s progressive sanctification and falsifies the gospel.

  • Using transgendered pronouns cheapens redemption, trampling on Christ's blood.

  • Using transgendered pronouns fails to love my neighbor as myself.

  • Using transgendered pronouns fails to offer genuine Christian hospitality and instead yields the definition of hospitality to liberal communitarianism, identity politics, and “human flourishing.”

Sin is sin. The Bible defines this as sin. Sin does not lose its evil because of our good intentions or the personal sensibilities of others. Changing cultural forces can bring sin into a fresh light. But a renewed focus is no excuse for sin and no dodge for repentance, not for a real Christian….read more from Rosaria Butterfield, Why I no longer use Transgender Pronouns—and Why You Shouldn’t, either.

Stating your pronouns means supporting the false idea that gender is something to be declared or identified as rather than what it is—innate. Pronouns are intended to bring clarity to language and conversation. They’re not tools to validate a person’s delusions about their identity.
— Allie Beth Stuckey

The Nashville Statement (website) - crafted by theologians in 2017 to specifically address the topics of homosexuality and transgenderism.

What about Preferred Pronouns? Speaking the Truth in Love – Nashville Statement, Art. 11 (audio) - We don’t talk about the truth or speak in love. We do both. Love is not unconditional affirmation but rejoices in the truth.

Preferred Pronouns Are ‘Ideological, Not Terminological’ by The Washington Stand (article) - To avoid a culture under judgment, Butterfield discourages believers from using preferred pronouns, saying, “We are called to, of course, be salt and light. But we’re not going to get there by being a ‘soft presence.’” To further prove this point, she stated that adhering to the pronoun narrative is “about conceding the moral language to the Left’s understanding of identity politics rather than offering a biblical understanding of morality and hope.”

Should You Accommodate an LGBT Person’s Requests? by Stand to Reason (article) - Christians are told they should never jeopardize their relationship with a friend or family member who identifies as LGBT. If they’re asked to affirm or accommodate something that violates their conscience, they’re told to go along anyway because they must “maintain the relationship.” Yes, we should strive to maintain the relationship as best we can. There’s a limit, though. If you must violate your conscience to accommodate another person’s preferences or opposing values, it’s reasonable to decline. Tell them, “I’m sorry…I can’t do that. I care about you, but you’re asking me to deny my own values and convictions.”

Pronouns and the Christian by Daniel Huilt (article) - Since pronouns imply the gender inherent in the pronoun, to refer to a person by a specific pronoun is to recognize that person as the gender assigned to that pronoun.  Therefore, to refer to a person by a pronoun inconsistent with biology would be to approve of that person identifying contrary to God’s design, which would be sinful.  It would, therefore, be sinful to refer to someone as “he/him” whom God has clearly created as “she/her” and vice versa.  The use of “they/them” pronouns for a single person or any “neo-pronouns” similarly denies a person’s God-created identity as male or female by refusing to acknowledge the truth and instead implying ambiguity.  It is, therefore, sinful for a Christian to refer to a particular individual by “they/them” or “neo-pronouns.”  This does not apply to situations where “they/them” pronouns communicate anonymity rather than gender ambiguity.

Should Christians Use Preferred Pronouns? by Ariel Sanchez (video) - Questions in this Episode: What does Mormonism teach about Jesus and his identity? How should a Christian think about and respond to preferred pronouns? Is it sinful for a parent to allow their teenager’s boyfriend or girlfriend to live with them if their home situation is unhealthy? How do I avoid becoming a part of a false church?

She/Her and He/Him: Should We Use Transgender Pronouns? by Ken Ham (article) - We aren’t self-made people who can be whatever we want. God has created us as either male or female (Genesis 1:27). Yes, gender/biological sex is binary. We are either male or female, and males cannot become females, and females cannot become males (no amount of external changes from drugs or surgeries changes your DNA, which is inherently sexed, or how God has created you). Using transgendered pronouns is lying about how God has made someone.

Megyn Kelly Explains Why She Will No Longer Use "Preferred Pronouns" as Trans Ideology Grows (video) - Megyn Kelly begins the show with a monologue explaining why she is done using "preferred pronouns" and will base her conversations on trans ideology in reality and truth, how her own views on this issue have evolved, the harms of gender-affirming care in schools and by physicians, the injustice of biological men competing in women’s sports, how Lia Thomas and then Riley Gaines changed the story, standing up for women, and more.

The Dangers of Compelled Speech by Alliance Defending Freedom (article) - The First Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of speech protects us from censorship of what we want to say. Still, we don’t often consider how the First Amendment protects us from being compelled to say something we don’t like.

Revoice, Side B, And Gay Christians (webpage) - Unbiblical sexual theology is rampant in the Christian church today. The preamble to the Nashville Statement Evangelical Christians wisely asserts that as Western culture has become increasingly post-Christian, it has embarked upon a massive revision of what it means to be a human being. By and large, the spirit of our age no longer discerns or delights in the beauty of God’s design for human life. Many deny that God created human beings for his glory and that his good purposes for us include our personal and physical design as male and female. It is expected to think that human identity as male and female is not part of God’s beautiful plan but is, instead, an expression of an individual’s autonomous preferences.

Should Christians Attend Gay Weddings (webpage) - “Can I attend a gay wedding?” comes up with increasing frequency. In short, the answer is no. The union of bride and groom symbolizes Christ and the Church. As Paul teaches in Ephesians 5, God instituted marriage to teach the world about Christ’s love for his bride, the church. A gay wedding ceremony is an idolatrous dedication. It takes a sinful action and symbolically consecrates it in the name of lust.

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How do we speak the truth in love regarding preferred pronouns? In this episode of the CBMW Podcast, Denny Burk and Colin Smothers discuss Article 11 of the Nashville Statement.

The Nashville Statement by Association of Certified Biblical Counselors.

Becket talks with Rosaria Butterfield and Christopher Yuan about a recent article Rosaria wrote regarding why she repented using transgendered pronouns in the past in her books and public speaking. We get into seven reasons why using these pronouns is a sin. This episode will surprise and enlighten you.

Becket talks with Rosaria Butterfield and Christopher Yuan about an article written by a Revoice proponent, Gregory Coles. The Revoice movement tries to marry LGBTQ ideology with Christianity. We dissect this article and discuss what the actual language should be—biblical language.


What’s behind the current ‘unraveling of America’? And how should we respond? We’re living in unprecedented times when Christians can either stoop to the pressures of cultural demands or stand for the truth of Christ. Which one will you choose? Frank talks with Erwin Lutzer about Marxism in America, Totalitarianism, Using Preferred Pronouns, Reparations, and more.

JD Hall weighs in on an essential current lawsuit he's directly involved in concerning the issue of preferred pronouns.

Frank illustrates precisely what this looks like by reflecting on a past exchange he had with a biology student who passionately defended transgenderism during a recent college event but never responded to any of his arguments when he patiently answered her questions. Learn the 5 MAJOR flaws of transgender ideology, all of which are more heavily detailed in the newly expanded third edition of Frank's book, 'Correct, Not Politically Correct: About Same-Sex Marriage and Transgenderism.'

There is no topic Dr. Erwin Lutzer is afraid to discuss, and no issue is too taboo. In today’s episode, we talk about pronouns, propaganda of language, and rapid-onset gender dysphoria, and we even discuss social justice as it manifests as “food justice” in the bread industry.


Will You Be Complicit, Complacent, or Courageous? In a culture with an ever-narrowing definition of tolerance, Christians can no longer stay silent about the divide between the Bible’s truth and the world’s lies. From bestselling author Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer, No Reason to Hide examines the toxic roots behind the alarming symptoms of a nation in spiritual freefall—and why your faith must empower you to engage rather than hide.

You’ll be equipped to defend your biblical beliefs with confidence and compassion. You’ll also identify how you can respond to the battleground issues of today, including identity-driven social justice ideologies that seek to divide rather than unite cultural attacks on the definitions of sex and gender that turn language into a war progressive pushes within the church that ultimately desecrate the Bible’s teachings.

Dr. Erwin W. Lutzer prepares you to live out your convictions against a growing tide of hostility in We Will Not Be Silenced. Gain a better understanding of nonbelievers’ legitimate hurts and concerns regarding issues like racism, sexism, and poverty and identify the toxic responses secular culture disguises as solutions. In the process, you’ll see how you can show compassion and gentleness to those outside the faith without affirming their beliefs.

We Will Not Be Silenced will ready you to move beyond fear and boldly accept the challenge of representing Christ to a watching world that needs Him now more than ever before.

Before you can resolve the issues of our day, you must be able to clarify them. Terms like same-sex marriage, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gay Christian are part of the discourse of daily life, yet enormous controversy surrounds them. They are the stuff of news headlines and vitriolic social media posts. But they also reflect stirrings of the heart in real people with real questions and concerns. This book goes to great lengths to clarify some of today’s key controversies—even going back to God’s original design for marriage and sexuality as found in the Bible. Butterfield cuts to the heart of the problems and points the way to the solution, which includes a challenge to the church to be all that God intended it to be and for each person to find the true freedom that is found in Christ.


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Should Christians Attend Gay Weddings.