Revoice, Living Out, Side B, And Gay Christians.

Unbiblical sexual theology is rampant in the Christian church today. The preamble to the Nashville Statement Evangelical Christians wisely asserts that as Western culture has become increasingly post-Christian, it has embarked upon a massive revision of what it means to be a human being. By and large, the spirit of our age no longer discerns or delights in the beauty of God’s design for human life. Many deny that God created human beings for his glory and that his good purposes for us include our personal and physical design as male and female. It is expected to think that human identity as male and female is not part of God’s beautiful plan but is, instead, an expression of an individual’s autonomous preferences. The organizations and leaders who support and promote Side B gay theology are leading this distortion of God’s creation, male and female.

  • Organizations that promote this unbiblical theology: Living Out, Revoice, The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender, Exiles in Babylon Conference, Reformation Project, and Cru.

  • Organizations that support Preston Sprinkle’s Exiles in Babylon Conference, which teaches Side B theology: Talbot School of Theology, Biola (2023), InterVarsity (2023/24), Christian Standard Bible (2023/2024), Zondervan (2024), Revoice (2024)

  • Unbiblical teachers associated with Revoice, Side B, Living Out, and Gay/SSA Christians: Preston Sprinkle, Nate Collins, Rebecca McLaughlin, Rachel Gilson, Sam Allberry, JD Greear, Bill Henson, Tim Keller, Jackie Hill Perry, Karen Swallow Prior, Scott Sauls, Andy Stanley, Pieter Valk, Mark Yarhouse, Francis Chan, Thabiti Anyabwile, and Matt Chandler. Find out more about these unbiblical teachers here.


The Revoice Conference is rapidly becoming very influential in evangelical churches. It proposes a "third way" to address the questions surrounding the LGBTQ issue.



  • What is Same-Sex Attracted (SSA) or Gay “Christianity?” It is a movement that narrowly defines the sin of homosexuality to include only acting upon one’s sinful desires and defines the sinful desires themselves as simply a part of a person’s identity. Rather than instructing believers to “Put to death what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry”(Colossians 3:5), this same-sex attraction (SSA) movement teaches that a regenerate believer can maintain their evil desires – even turning them into a cross to bear for the sake of the Gospel. For further reading, read Cody Libolt’s article Understand the New TGC Orthodoxy on Gay Christians.

    Christopher Yuan explains sinful desires in this podcast.

  • What is Side B? Overlapping with Revoice, SSA, or Gay Christianity is a belief that homosexuality is not a morally culpable issue. However, it is a consequence of the brokenness from the Fall. It teaches against homosexual sexual practice, but only for the sake of Christian tradition. While Side B seeks to uphold biblical sexual standards because it sees sexual orientation as an accurate category of personhood (i.e., there is such a thing as a gay or same-sex attracted person—that gayness describes who someone essentially is), their theology in no way allows for an understanding of why homosexuality, even at the level of desire, is sinful and needs the grace of repentance. To the Side B Christian, homosexuality is a sexuality—one of many. Living Out, founded by Sam Allberry, and The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender, run by Preston Sprinkle, follow the Revoice/Side B Theology.

  • Revoice is a parachurch ministry founded in 2018 by Nate Collins, a former Southern Baptist Theological Seminary faculty member. Some leaders from the Presbyterian Church in America have supported the group. Instead of encouraging the church through biblical and confessional orthodoxy, they do great harm by teaching and advocating for identity in sin.

  • The people and organizations who promote this unbiblical theology will often speak all or some of the following tenets:

    • claim that parts of same-sex attraction can be reordered or turned to holiness, which they call “sublimation.” Same-sex attraction is not something to renounce but something to use for holiness. Christians do not have to repent of “being gay” or “being trans.”

    • the desire for celibate "gay intimacy" is holy. Pursuing non-genital gay friendships is holy.

    • to see "how God typically works” poll gay Christians.

    • same-sex attraction is a “special sin,” different from other sins. If this sin is “unchosen," it is not a transgression against God. Corruption of nature is not a transgression against God or a morally culpable sin.

    • advocate a view that affirms homosexual orientation is fixed by using phrases such as “gay and celibate Christian”; they advocate celibacy because there is little or no expectation that God can change gay desires over time.

    • do not acknowledge that desire in and of itself is a sin. They say same-sex attraction is a sinless temptation and only a sin if you act on it. God teaches in Romans 1 that desire itself is a sin: Therefore, God gave them over from the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. Voddie Bachum explains here. See the podcast with Alisa Childers and Christopher Yuan below for a detailed explanation of why desire is a sin.

    • being gay or same-sex attracted is a label Christians can adopt as part of their identity.

    • “Gay Christians” and “trans-Christians” can fully follow and honor God while being “gay” or “trans.”

    • promote the use of “preferred pronouns,” claiming that hospitality instead of truth is needed when addressing a man who thinks he’s a woman, for example.

    • they believe attending and supporting a gay wedding is the “non-judgmental thing to do.”

    • they call the traditional family unit “an idol.” But God created this family unit in Genesis 1:28 and blessed it. God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and every living thing that moves on the earth.” Far from being an idol, the family unit is the God-created order.

    • they say God calls homosexuals to be holy, not heterosexual, and brazenly deny that heterosexuality is normal or should be the object of a believer in their future identity. Their error separates sexuality from God’s design of male or female. It’s like telling a trans person who gets saved that God calls him to be holy, not male.

    • "Given their destructive potential, mixed-orientation marriages are rarely viewed as an option for people who are same-sex attracted (or gay)."

    • "Trans* people are needed in the church. The church will look more like Jesus if it has more trans* people in it, not fewer."

    • "...many trans* people are already following Jesus more faithfully, more passionately, more consistently, more boldly than other non-trans* Christians"

    • "Jesus wants more trans* and dysphoric people in His church, not less. So should we."

    • "...someone could use a trans* identity label and still believe that Jesus reigns supreme in their life.”

    • Read more at Applying Revoice’s Logic to All Sin (article series in 3 parts by Jared Moore)

  • In 2021 and 2023, the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) general assembly adopted the following overture: “Those who profess an identity...that…contradicts their identity as new creations in Christ..are not qualified for ordained office.” The overture hits 3 points in the Revoice, Living Out, Side B, Gay Christianity, Same-sex Attraction, and false teachings in the church:

    • Gay as identity is condemned

    • Gay as neutral or good is condemned

    • Gay as unchangeable is condemned

      When gay teachers and promoters of this false theology identify themselves or those they promote as same-sex attracted (SSA), gay Christian, or any other variation of these terms, they:

      • deny the sinfulness of fallen desires

      • deny the reality of progressive sanctification

      • deny the command to pursue Spirit-empowered victory over sin

    Explore the History of Side B Theology and How it Entered the Church.

  • John Stott used the flawed research of pedophile Alfred Kinsey to promote the heretical idea of a ‘sexual spectrum,’ implying that a homosexual orientation is natural. Sam Allberry and The Gospel Coalition promoted Stott's writings on this. Kinsey's ideas are alive and well today thanks to these unwise men. Stott defended the concept of sexual orientation, stating, Our sexuality, according to both Scripture and experience, is basic to our humanness… Moreover, not only are we all sexual beings, but we all have a particular sexual orientation. Note this claim has no basis in Scripture. This theory asserts that a homosexual orientation is acceptable because people are not responsible for their sexual orientation and that only homosexual practice (not desire) is sinful. Stott stated, “Whether homosexual partnerships – lifelong and loving – are a Christian option… In particular, can the Bible be shown to sanction homosexual partnerships, or at least not to condemn them?” (p338 of his book, Same Sex Partnerships). Read more here.

  • The Church’s Shift in Addressing Homosexuality - severe concerns for the current movement in evangelical thought regarding how we address homosexuality in the church come namely from gay priest Sam Allberry and his ministry Living Out. Essentially, Living Out teaches that a same-sex attracted individual is fixed in his orientation, and the orientation itself does not need to be mortified. While they admit that acting on the desires would be a sin and even the attraction itself is a result of the fall, a church is not “biblically inclusive” if they tell a Christian who experiences same-sex attraction that they should even “seek” God to remove that desire. They go so far as to say, “Attempting to change someone’s sexual orientation sends many potentially damaging messages. . . . our sexual orientation is not a sign that we need counseling more than anyone else.”While Scripture nowhere promises that Christians will be free from all struggle with sin, it is crystal clear how we should confront our sinful desires. Sam Allberry is invited to speak about this unbiblical theology in churches and conferences worldwide and has been promoted by Tim Keller and The Gospel Coalition. This is how Side B's false teaching has recently entered the church.


Dr. Christopher Yuan explains whether or not same-sex attraction is a sinless temptation or a sinful desire. This is the heart of conversations surrounding Side B theology, which teaches that same-sex sin is wrong, but the identity of “gay” is not. Christopher and Alisa also share some concerns surrounding the upcoming Exiles in Babylon Conference, which claims to equip Christians from a biblical perspective yet features many speakers who promote Side B theology.

In this episode of Forge and Anvil, Dr. Jared Moore discusses his book "Lust of the Flesh" and why Christians struggle to name sexual sin. Side B proponents are masters of rhetoric, and the average Christian has difficulty unwinding what they're truly saying. The congruency, if we were to take a heterosexual perspective of a similar situation, would be if there's a guy who's struggling with lust and has been tempted into lust or pornography or the objectification of women. The Side B solution to that is to sanctify that lust by working in a women's shelter to surround himself with potential victims of his sin and to make himself a victim of sin as well.

”You can't be gay and be a Christian. What I mean is that you can't openly make what God plainly calls sin a part of your identity. You can absolutely be a Christian who wages war against homosexual desires and seeks to put them to death. This applies to any sin. You can't identify as a porn-enjoying Christian. This is a violation of God's law. This is at the heart of what it means to take God's name in vain. The difference between a Christian and a non-Christian isn't that Christians are morally superior (we aren't). It's that we are aware of our sin, hate it, repent of it, and war against it. So if you see someone call themselves a Christian but proudly identify with that which God hates, know they are no child of God.” ~ Anthony Diehl


  • Why 'Celibate Gay Theology' is a Dangerous Compromise the Church Must Reject by Rosaria Butterfield (article) - Celibate gay theology embraces homosexual orientation and identity but disallows gay sex. It mangles the gospel, replacing repentance and faith with victimhood and “brokenness.” Instead of repenting of sin, the celibate gay Christian is called to steward his sinful desires in supposedly meritorious ways.

  • The Queering of the SBC by Jared Moore (article) - Thus, those who struggle with the lust of the flesh are in good company. Throughout human history, the whole church has been full of struggles. We battle indwelling sin; every godly person you know is, too. Every single Scripture writer struggled with sin because neither Christ nor God wrote any books of the Bible with their hand (though the Bible is the infallible and inerrant word of God due to holy men being carried along by the Holy Spirit, 2 Tim 3:15–17; 2 Pet 1:16–21). Every Christian battles sin daily, and if we think we do not, then hidden pride has blinded us (Rom 7; 1 Cor 10:6–13).

  • What Does Preston Sprinkle Teach and Believe at his Center for Faith, Sexuality, and Gender and Exiles in Babylone Conferences? by Jared Moore (article) - Preston Sprinkle claims that Same-Sex Attraction "includes a virtuous desire to be intimate—in the David and Jonathan, or Jesus and John sense of the phrase—with people of the same sex. Sprinkle writes, “Being same-sex attracted includes a wealth of other quite virtuous emotions and desires toward members of the same sex; it cannot be narrowly and ignorantly reduced to a volcanic hunger for sex. SSA includes a desire for conversational intimacy, same-sex physical touch, emotional bonds, companionship, doing life together, and expressing mutual affection toward members of the same sex.”

  • Patrick Schreiner (Professor at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) vs. Augustine by Jared Moore (article) - one of the biggest lies told by those who say "same-sex attraction is not sin" is that Augustine is on their side. Augustine never taught that there is good in sin or good in the flesh. Patrick Schreiner, Nate Collins, Wesley Hill, Matthew Lee Anderson, and Revoice have all repeatedly told this lie.

  • Rosaria Butterfield Accuses Revoice, Cru, And Preston Sprinkle of Promoting ‘Lies’ About Sexuality by Jessica Lea (article) - Have you ever heard that same-sex attraction is a sinless temptation and only a sin if you act on it?” Butterfield asked her audience. “Or that people who experience same-sex attraction are gay Christians called to lifelong celibacy? Or that people who experience same-sex attraction rarely, if ever, change and, therefore, should never pursue heterosexual marriage? Those ideas are “lies” Butterfield said she had heard within the past year from Christian ministries, and she specifically named “Revoice, Preston’s Sprinkle’s Exiles in Babylon Conference sponsored by his heretical Center for Faith, Sexuality, & Gender, and Cru.”

  • Is Cru Losing Its First Love for Christ? by Tom Gilson (article) - great movements come and go, and when they go, it’s because of sin and compromise within. So I say this now with tears—tears making it hard to see what I’m typing on the screen: I fear we will see the same happen to Cru. The same Great Commission central to Cru’s mission and identity includes His instruction to “teach all I have commanded you.” Indeed, that includes His example of truth and His teaching on holding fast to it! However, it appears that Cru has let go of that. They’ve let His way, Word, and truth slip silently to second place. Their mission has become their first love. 

  • Is it Biblical to be a Gay Christian by John Ferrer (article) - the word we use to describe or identify ourselves can shape our sense of self by changing, limiting, or expanding how we think of ourselves. Our self-identifying terms lend momentum, pushing us in their direction. Scripture has much to say against coarse, insulting language and taming the tongue (Eph 5:4; Col 3:8; James 1:26). That applies to “self-talk” and identity statements, too. None of this bodes well for the phrase “Gay Christian.” A better alternative would be to receive our identity as “Christian,” “Christ-Follower,” “child of God,” or “Disciple.” These acknowledge that, as Christians, we no longer define ourselves. Christ defines us.

  • What is the Revoice Conference and Why You Should Care (article) - Revoice is the public coming-out-of-the-closet conference of gays in conservative churches. It is billed as a nationwide event to give voice to the LGBT “who adhere to the historic, Christian sexual ethic” (sometimes dubbed “Side-B”). Revoice emphasizes the creation of safe spaces where LGBTQ can “flourish in their local faith communities.”

  • Here’s What Actually Happened at Revoice by Bob Ditmer (article) - The wide-ranging messages at Revoice caused some evangelical groups to distance themselves from the conference. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President R. Albert Mohler Jr. called Revoice “deeply troubling,” adding, “The moment you begin identifying as an LGBTQ+ Christian, you’ve created an unstable identity.” Humans “have a pattern of sexual attraction, but for Christians, our ultimate identity must be in Christ.”

  • Understand the New TGC Orthodoxy on Gay Christians by Cody Libolt (article) - here is a primer on how The Gospel Coalition (TGC) and other enemies within the church are now leading people away from biblical truth. TGC has found a way to distinguish itself from Revoice, but it fails to meet biblical standards. What is the newest TGC orthodoxy? It is the view of Sam Allberry, Rebecca McLaughlin, Rachel Gilson, Russell Moore, and JD Greear. It is homosexuality as a “born this way” status, a result of the fall of mankind, never to be acted upon, perhaps sinful in some way (even at the level of desire) but not sinful in a way that sets it apart from other sins, a desire people do not choose, more like a disability or deformity or brokenness than something to feel morally ashamed of. It’s something the Bible just “whispers of.” *note: Rosaria Butterfield is mentioned here but has since changed her stance - see articles and podcasts above.

  • Temptation and sin - Popular book may perpetuate “Side B” errors - in Sam Allberry’s 2013 book, Is God Anti-Gay? Allberry "speaks less clearly on sexual identity and orientation..." Clarity is the issue over and over. Obfuscation makes it easier to please the world and fool the critics. God is not pleased nor fooled.

  • Should Christians Use Preferred Pronouns? (webpage) - using transgender pronouns is sinful. It is a sin against the ninth commandment and encourages people to sin against the tenth commandment; it’s a sin against the creation ordinance, against image-bearing, discourages a believer’s progressive sanctification, and falsifies the gospel, cheapens redemption, trampling on Christ's blood, fails to love my neighbor as myself, fails to offer genuine Christian hospitality and instead yields the definition of hospitality to liberal communitarianism, identity politics, and “human flourishing.”

  • Living Out: Same-Sex Attraction, Biblical Christianity, and the Fractures in Our Evangelical Mist by Tom Ascol (article) - Christians have been disoriented not only by the pace of the change but also by the ways that such changes appear to be moving some Christian leaders and organizations off of their biblical foundations. In such times, reaffirming those foundations is critical and cannot be assumed. If “gay Christian” is a legitimate designation for someone in union with Christ, then why not also recognize “polyamorous Christian,” “bestiality-oriented Christian,” or “murder-attracted Christian?”

  • Uncertain Voices: Revoice ’21 Reviewed by Bethel McGrew (article) - Kindness is necessary. But it is not sufficient. It must flourish together with biblical fidelity, or else our gospel witness to a perishing world will wither and die on the vine. Revoice may claim the mantle of biblical fidelity in this endeavor. But if its 2021 incarnation is any indication, that mantle is an increasingly uncomfortable fit.

  • Revoice, Evangelical Culture, and the Return of an Old Friend by Carl Trueman (article) - Those concerned that ministers in their denomination were involved in Revoice and who believe that they have thereby crossed theological and ethical boundaries must prove that in a pastoral context and not simply offer critical tweets or mint new hashtag. They should look at their books of church order, and if the evidence warrants it, they should file disciplinary charges following the processes outlined therein.

  • Report Says Revoice Embraces Radical Gender Ideology (article) - Revoice doesn’t aim merely at being a conference. Its organizers aim to be a movement that spreads in churches nationwide. And if your church doesn’t agree with Revoice's teachings about affirming LGBTQ+ identities, then people should leave your church and find one that does. According to WORLD, this year’s conference encouraged attendees to leave churches that do not affirm their orientation/gender identity.

  • The Tempest in Sam Allberry’s Teapot: Much Ado About Not Talking Revoice 2019 by Thomas Littleton (article) - a good history of Revoice and those associated with it. The Same-sex talking points include open attacks on the nuclear family as an “idol” and brazenly deny that heterosexuality is normal or should be the object of a believer in their future identity.

  • Revoice is Fruit of Gospel Coalition’s Sam Allberry and Living Out Guys by Warhorn (article) - Sam Allberry and his LivingOUT poison has corrupted the church across North America, and it does so almost unopposed. We must work to warn our loved ones against the mainstreaming of gaydom. Russell Moore, Tim Keller, and Sam Allberry are spreading across the English-speaking world.

  • Tim Keller and Side B Revoicers by Warhorn (article + audio) - Tim Keller promotes Side B. He has proven it by his endorsements and his silence. Now that the overtures opposing Side B have lost, he is eager to appease conservatives concerned that the Side B leaven remains deeply rooted in the denomination.

  • Tim Keller’s Redeemer Church Calls for More Same-Sex Intimacy in Churches with Rebecca McLaughlin (video + article) - It is shocking to realize how low The Gospel Coalition has sunk. Yet, far from this being an extreme event with no impact on other Bible-believing churches, it must be noted again that Rebecca McLaughlin is a spokesperson for a “Same-Sex Attracted” movement with many tentacles.  

  • Tim Keller Promotes Greg Johnson, Revoice Movement by Ray Fava (article) - Tim Keller is taking a bold stand in the embattled Presbyterian Church in America by endorsing a book written by Greg Johnson. , Greg Johnson successfully fended off charges that he was unqualified for ministry because he identified as a homosexual. Greg Johnson’s church would be the inaugural host church of the Revoice Conference. Tim Keller promoted Johnson’s book on Facebook.

  • The Too Little, Too Late Voice of Russell Moore Regarding Revoice by Tom Buck (article) - the issues surrounding Revoice are far more profound than “support of those with SSA who desire to obey God.” It is whether the kind of support Revoice offers is biblical and whether the conference's answers will help anybody obey God. I agree with every warning I have read about Revoice, including Andrew Walker, and I believe this conference threatens the Gospel.

  • Evangelical Leaders or Speakers to Avoid (webpage) - Find out which prominent leaders support this unbiblical theology here.

  • Should Christians Attend Gay Weddings? (webpage) - attending a gay wedding or celebration involves remaining silent when one should speak. It consists of approving a ceremony that mocks a central New Testament teaching and Christ himself. Attendance is an applied approval before all in attendance of the sin taking place and demonstrates a double-mindedness we do not allow toward other sins.

  • Should Christians Use Preferred Pronouns (webpage) - Sin does not lose its evil because of our good intentions or the personal sensibilities of others. Changing cultural forces can bring sin into a fresh light. But a renewed focus is no excuse for sin and no dodge for repentance, not for a real Christian. We are called to, of course, be salt and light. But we won’t get there by being a ‘soft presence. to refer to a person by a pronoun inconsistent with biology would be to approve of that person identifying contrary to God’s design.

  • Why Do Parents of Gay Children Change Their Theological Minds by Matt Kennedy (article) - for the Christian, the purpose of life is to be conformed to Christ, who is the Truth. Many professing Christian parents, in the name of love, contort the Bible or blithely disregard it to affirm their children’s desires.


LGBTQ Infiltration of Evangelical Churches - In this episode, Daily Wire reporter Megan Basham discusses her work investigating organizations that are actively working to change evangelical beliefs regarding Biblical sexuality.

DEBATE: Is "Gay Christian" a Biblically Acceptable Identity for a Member of Christ's Church?

Becket talks with Rosaria Butterfield and Christopher Yuan about a recent article Rosaria wrote regarding why she repented using transgendered pronouns in the past in her books and public speaking. Learn seven reasons why using preferred pronouns is a sin.

This episode discusses the 2018 Revoice Conference. Listen as these brothers, lovingly yet firmly, express their concerns about how Revoice and evangelical movements promote a different gospel than they claim to subscribe to.

M.D. Perkins, a researcher, filmmaker, and author, talks about Revoice, Side B, and the cultural currents regarding gender and sexuality...and how they relate to the church. You may view the movie talked about here:

Alisa talks with Christopher Yuan to discuss the controversy surrounding Side A Christianity vs. Side B Christianity, the Revoice Conference.

Alternatives: Biblically-Based Resources on LGBTQ, Homosexuality and Same-Sex Attraction:

  • The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW) and the Nashville Statement - this organization was created to set forth the teachings of the Bible about the complementary differences between men and women - possessing equal dignity and worth as the image of God and called to different roles that each glorify him. CBMW was established primarily to help the church defend against the accommodation of secular feminism; however, the organization later drafted a document on biblical sexuality known as the Nashville Statement. The Statement expresses support for marriage between one man and one woman, for faithfulness within marriage, for chastity outside marriage, and a link between biological sex and "self-conception as male and female." It shows the signatories' opposition to LGBT sexuality, same-sex marriage, polygamy, polyamory, adultery, and fornication.

  • The Gospel Remedy for Homosexuality by John Freeman (article) - Christ mediates this grace and empowers believers, but the church, the body of Christ, also plays a crucial role. Learning to walk in obedience and put our sins and sinful nature to death is never something to be attempted alone or in isolation. Biblical change is a community activity. The call of the church is to offer support and encouragement to those who experience same-sex attractions and other sexual temptations.

  • My sister is a homosexual. How do I approach her with the gospel? by Ligonier Ministries (article + video) - If this were a sibling of mine, I would want them to know that I love them, I’m there for them, and I’m going to help them through their life’s journey. I certainly would want them to know, and they probably already know, that this is a sin and it violates the commandments of God. I also like them to know that there’s hope, power, and strength in the gospel. I would want them to know that Jesus can help them overcome this struggle they may have for the rest of their lives.

  • Why do we still consider homosexuality a sin if so many Old Testament laws have been abrogated? by Burk Parsons (article) - And one thing I’ll say is this: some of the people I worked with who identify as homosexuals have often told me: “I have never met a Christian like you because you tell me the truth. You tell me that you think I’m wrong. You tell me that you think I’m in sin, but you are one of the kindest people to me.”

  • Podcast: Thinking Biblically About Sexuality by Jared Moore (video) - a discussion on the growing trend in Evangelicalism to water down the gravity of the sin of homosexuality. Jared talks about David Prince, a long-time professor at Southern Seminary who equivocates on homosexuality and openly teaches that “same-sex attraction” is not sinful. What exactly is meant by the word “attraction” in this context? Is it a temptation? From where does the temptation arise? Is inward temptation sinful? Jared breaks this down, helps us place this language in the correct categories, and helps us align our thinking on this subject with what the Word of God says.

  • Rosaria Butterfield - believed in feminist philosophy and LGBTQ+ advocacy and was a lesbian. After repeatedly reading the Bible in large chunks for her research, Rosaria converted to Christianity. Her first book, The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert, details her conversion and the cataclysmic fallout—in which she lost “everything but the dog” yet gained eternal life in Christ.

  • In Rosaria’s article Why I no longer use Transgender Pronouns—and Why You Shouldn’t, Either, she says, “I have publicly sinned by advocating for the use of transgender pronouns in interviews and public Q&As….Does any real Christian believe crafting a relationship on falsehood will give the gospel a better hearing? And is that how people are converted? By meeting God on sin’s terms and hearing nice things about themselves?”

  • Andrew Comiskey - is the founder of Desert Stream Ministries, which provides help for Christians struggling with sexual and relational problems. Their service is based on the biblical foundation of compassion, integrity, and dependence on God. Andrew says of Revoice, “Sexpert Dr. Mark Yarhouse, for whom I did have the utmost respect, keynoted at Revoice and later extolled his advocacy for this group coming to terms with enduring same-sex sexuality (aka no change possible); in truth, Yarhouse now frames homosexuality as a condition worthy of one’s adult identification—Yarhouse says of gay Christians, they are “not a problem to be fixed but a people to love and learn from.” Read Andrew’s full article here.

  • Christopher Yuan - The author of Holy Sexuality and the Gospel and Out of a Far Country, which details his dramatic conversion from an agnostic gay man who put his identity in his sexuality to a pastor, Bible professor, and Christian author who now puts his identity in Christ alone, comes a thoroughly gospel-centered video study on sex, sexuality, and gender.

  • Becket Cook - was a gay man who was transformed by the gospel and gave his life to Christ. Once he became a Christian, he knew that homosexuality was a sin and could no longer live that life. Becket was happy to count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus, his Lord. Check out The Becket Cook show, which discusses relevant topics and crushes the lies of culture with truth.

  • M.D. Perkins - is a Research Fellow of Church and Culture for the American Family Association. In his article, Responding to the Leaven of Revoice, he says, “There is something sinister at work here [in the Side B, gay celibate theology, or the Revoice movement] that Christians need to see.” He also wrote the book Dangerous Affirmation: The Threat of Gay Christianity: “The affirming church movement has become mainstream through the erosion of mainline denominations. Queer theology has taken hold in many academic settings. The emergence of gay celibate theology confuses evangelical churches through its appeal to modern psychology and LGBT-lived experience. How did we get here? What does the Bible say about all of this?”

In this powerful book, Rosaria Butterfield uses Scripture to confront five common lies about sexuality, faith, feminism, gender roles, and modesty often promoted in our secular culture today. Written in the style of a memoir, this book explores Butterfield’s battle with these lies―interwoven with cultural studies, literary criticism, and theology―to help readers see the beauty in biblical womanhood, marriage, and motherhood.

Does the Bible prohibit homosexual desires? And does the Bible allow Christians to use supposedly “good aspects of same-sex attractions” for righteous purposes? This book answers these questions by pinpointing precisely what the lusts of the flesh are. At its core, this work answers whether our attractions to evil are inherently sinful or just temptation. This book teaches that every desire for evil is sinful and needs Jesus’s forgiveness.

Dr. Christopher Yuan explores the concept of holy sexuality--chastity in singleness or faithfulness in marriage--in a practical and relevant manner, equipping readers with an accessible yet robust theology of sexuality. Whether you want to share Christ with a loved one who identifies as gay or you're wrestling with questions of identity yourself, this book will help you better understand sexuality in light of God's grand story and realize that holy sexuality is good news for all.

Gagnon offers the most thorough analysis of the biblical texts relating to homosexuality. He demonstrates why attempts to classify the Bible’s rejection of same-sex intercourse as irrelevant to our contemporary context fail to do justice to the biblical texts and current scientific data. Gagnon’s book powerfully challenges attempts to identify love and inclusivity with affirmation of homosexual practice.


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