What’s Wrong With The Gospel Coalition (TGC)?

Also, See What’s Wrong with Tim Keller?

The Gospel Coalition (TGC) is an online publication promoting Social Gospel virtue-signaling to churches worldwide, founded by Tim Keller and D.A. Carson.

John MacArthur Q and A, Grace Church, Feb. 19, 2024 Q: "What do you think of organizations like The Gospel Coalition and T4G?"

Why have we seen some people we usually agree with, such as the Gospel Coalition, drift? Is something wrong with the Gospel Coalition or the evangelical world? Andrew Sandlin and Jeff Durbin discuss these topics in the current debate on social issues.


Why It's Time To Say Goodbye To The Gospel Coalition by Jamie Bamrick - As arguably the most prominent conservative evangelical platform in the Western world, TGC was a watchman on the wall. And unfortunately when it came to the key theological and cultural battles of the day, not only did they nod off as the adversary approached, but were caught proffering packs of NyQuil, cups of warm milk and sweet lullabies to the inhabitants. Meanwhile anyone who dared to mention the barbarian hordes at the gates was labeled ‘a disturber of the peace’. And now that enemy soldiers patrol whole quarters of the city, it seems like none of the preceding events even give them pause for thought as to what might have gone wrong. As such, perhaps now would be a good time for the general populace to demand a changing of the guard.

Beware of the Gospel Coalition - What The Gospel Coalition Really Represents by Jim McCraigh (article) - The Gospel Coalition (TGC) is a loosely formed fellowship of evangelical churches founded by Tim Keller and D.A. Carson. Unfortunately, an organization that may once have started with the best intentions has now lost its way... by promoting the Social Gospel, endorsement of Roman Catholicism, and other flagrantly unbiblical teachings.

The Gospel Coalition’s Titanic Problem by Esther O’Reilly (article) - I’ve appreciated TGC in the past, and I still understand the select things they put out. But I couldn’t say what the future holds for TGC as a brand or what it would take for them to adjust course. It is unwise to ignore the people raising the alarm when the ship starts going down. They may be loud, but they may have a point.

Kyle Rittenhouse Was No Fool by Esther O’Reilly (article) - a Gospel Coalition piece by K. Edward Copeland, a black pastor who exemplified the worst of the knee-jerk, slanderous impulses I was seeing in mainstream media—except here I was reading them from a Christian minister, in a Christian outlet. The whole essay is a sustained exercise in passive-aggression.

The Gospel Coalition’ Under Fire Over ‘Woke’ Tweet by Todd Starnes (article) - “It’s more masculine to be attracted to men yet obedient to God than attracted to women and disobedient to God,” read a now-deleted tweet. “The article has been taken down. The wording has been changed to the title of the article. But make no mistake, this is the position of @TGC, and it’s straight from hell. You cannot be attracted to men and obedient to God at the same time,” he wrote on Twitter.

TGC Contributor Argues Pro-LGBTQ Xtians and Universalists Are Still In the Faith by Disentr - Gavin Ortlund was defending David French about something or other and then got into this bit of fearmongering about evangelicals/Deplorables. The implication is people who are on the right in current U.S. culture wars are a dangerous threat to the nation. In Gavin’s view, there is some permissible, agree-to-disagree approach to advocating queer affirmation or universalism within Christian orthodoxy, but not for challenging public school mask mandates?

Understand the New TGC Orthodoxy on Gay Christians by Cody Libolt (article) - here is a primer on how The Gospel Coalition (TGC) and other enemies within the church are now leading people away from biblical truth. TGC has found a way to distinguish itself from Revoice, but it fails to meet biblical standards. What is the newest TGC orthodoxy? It is the view of Sam Allberry, Rebecca McLaughlin, Rachel Gilson, Russell Moore, and JD Greear that homosexuality is a “born this way” status, a result of the fall of mankind, never to be acted upon, perhaps sinful in some way (even at the level of desire) but not sinful in a way that sets it apart from other sins, a desire people do not choose, more like a disability or deformity or brokenness than something to feel morally ashamed of. It’s something the Bible just “whispers of.” *note: Rosaria Butterfield is mentioned here but has since changed her stance - see articles and podcasts that show her repentance here.

Time To Kiss The Gospel Coalition Goodbye by Disntr (article) - The Gospel Coalition continues to be wrought with unqualified, disqualified, and outright dangerous men and women. At The Gospel Coalition, the bad far outweighs the good. The Gospel Coalition still employs a massive number of homosexuals and LGBTQ activists, social justice warriors, and egalitarians. The gospel, the Scriptures, or basic Christian principles don’t guide TGC. It is guided by a leftist agenda whose primary purpose is to turn the Evangelical Church to the left politically and theologically.

Why the Gospel Coalition is a Defeated Organization by Ray Fava (article) - An article from The Gospel Coalition surfaced in which The Gospel Coalition implied that opposing the right of homosexual marriage was unwise. TGC favorites Sam Allberry and Trevin Wax say they are concerned with anti-trans and anti-gay backlash as they are with the homosexual transvestite agenda. However, they want to pursue a third way. This is the classic Third Wayism of Tim Keller, and The Gospel Coalition is a cop-out from taking a meaningful stand on any cultural issue so the world loves them.

Special Report: The Gospel Coalition by the American Council of Churches (article) - The “good” TGC accomplishes is from a perspective that omits essential elements of faithful gospel ministry (mainly ecclesiastical and personal separation) while adding unbiblical aspects (such as social justice, theistic evolution, charismaticism, and cultural neutrality).

TGC Under Fire for Article Comparing Christ’s Love to a Sexual Encounter by Dale Chamberlain (article)—While Butler’s article and book represent a broader effort on the part of the Keller Center to provide a positive vision for the Christian sexual ethic in the face of changing norms and divergent sexual ideologies, many readers felt that Butler's metaphor missed the mark.

Video list of problems with The Gospel Coalition (video)


Rosaria Butterfield shares why her session told her years ago that she wouldn't be writing for The Gospel Coalition or Christianity Today. It's great to have good pastors who watch out for your soul! They were right, and Rosaria's explanation is 100% correct as well. Christian, do you know what time it is?


A discussion about 'Churchianity,' an insidious teaching in the church that, like the Matrix, is hidden everywhere in plain sight. It explains The Gospel Coalition and why so many evangelical pastors have gone Woke. The term comes from Dr. Joe Boot of the Ezra Institute, whose writings also helped shape my thoughts on pietism.

Josh Daws discusses the current state of evangelicalism, Kevin DeYoung and Doug Wilson, the "Moscow mood" and the "TGC Mood" Tim Keller, and social engagement, eschatology, and practical steps to Christian Nationalism.

The Bible indicates that the current state of Christ and His bride is marriage, to be consummated in glory on the Second Coming. So, Josh Butler has prematurely ejaculated this metaphor used in Scripture. So for this, the internet meme of "Horny jail" is most fitting, and we now sentence Josh Butler to Horny Jail.

The Gospel Coalition has branded itself as a hub where Evangelicals can have Christian commentary on contemporary issues. And it has become one of the largest online ministries in the process. Yet, it was reluctant to address Andy Stanley earlier this year and now.


Jon surveys The Gospel Coalition's most egregious articles showing a political and theological move to the Left.

Though TGC doesn't go as far as Tutu does toward egalitarianism, it often promotes the same primary liberation-driven gospel message. The disagreement is one more of degrees, not substance.

The Gospel Coalition hosted "A Night of Lament for Racial Justice," in which they attempted to "Christianize" a secular Leftist revolutionary perspective. This video exposes their game plan for mixing social justice theory with the gospel and their anti-biblical assumptions and arguments.


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