The Problem of Evil and Suffering.

If God is all-good and all-powerful, why doesn’t He stop the evil in this world?

Does evil disprove God? If not, what is God’s purpose for evil? Why does God allow evil that seems to have no purpose? What is God’s ultimate solution to evil? Why, for example, does a baby die when the entire church prays he won’t? What possible good can come out of a baby dying?

Frank Turek of Cross-examined Apologetics ministry answers these and other perplexing questions….listen to the show If God, Why Evil?

The Problem of Suffering by Martyn Lloyd-Jones (audio) - this sermon discusses the urgent problem for the Christian faith in times past and still today to reconcile trials, tribulations, and suffering with the exceeding great promises of glory awaiting God's children.

Did God Create Evil? by Answers in Genesis (article)

Answering Evil by R.C. Sproul (article)

Why Did God Create Satan Knowing That Satan Would Cause Evil? by Crossexamined (article)

If God Created Everything, How Is It That God Didn’t Create Evil? by Michael Reeves (article + audio)

Evil by John H. Gerstner (video)

The Problem of Evil by NAMB (article)

Why Did God Create People if He Knew So Many Would Go to Hell? by Stand to Reason (article)

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In this episode Pastor John MacArthur from Grace Community Church will discuss the problem of evil.

In the fourth episode of the second series of The C.S. Lewis Podcast, professor Alister McGrath speaks to Ruth Jackson about how Lewis viewed sin and the role Christians have in fixing the brokenness of today’s world.

In this episode, Brian Auten and Chad Gross interview Clay Jones on the topic “Why Does God Allow Evil?”


The Logical Problem of Evil by William Lane Craig at Reasonable Faith.

Jeffrey Dahmer and the Dangers of Naturalism with William Lane Craig


Why Is There Evil? (Crucial Questions) by R.C. Sproul

With all the suffering and evil in the world, where is God? This can be an essential question for Christians to grapple with. It is also a common accusation that seeks to undermine our faith. How should we respond to skeptics and comfort sufferers when questions about evil arise?

Dr. R.C. Sproul addresses the problem of evil in this booklet, examining how Christians have wrestled with these questions through the ages. Together with them, we can have confidence in the God who controls this world and works all things in it for our good.


Why Does God Allow Evil?: Compelling Answers for Life’s Toughest Questions

If God is good and all-powerful, why doesn't He stop the evil in this world? Christians and non-Christians struggle with the concept of a loving God who allows widespread suffering in this life and never-ending punishment in hell. We wrestle with questions such as...

Why do bad things happen to good people?

Why should we have to pay for Adam's sin?

How can an eternal judgment be fair?

But what if the real problem doesn't start with God...but with us?

Clay Jones, an associate professor of Christian apologetics at Biola University, examines what Scripture says about evil's nature and why God allows it. Along the way, he'll help you discover the contrasting abundance of God's grace, the overwhelming joy of heaven, and the extraordinary destiny of believers.


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The Auburn Heresy.


Logical Fallacies.