Logical Fallacies.
A logical fallacy is a mistake in reasoning. Proper reasoning (also called Logic) involves using statements called propositions in which the truth of one is asserted based on the other. Biblically, we are supposed to provide a reasoned defense (an argument) for the Christian faith with gentleness and respect. An argument takes certain information as accepted (a premise), then demonstrates that another claim must be valid (called the conclusion)….read more at Logical Fallacies An Introduction.
“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser”
Logical Fallacies: A List (article)
Logical Fallacies Series by Answers in Genesis (article)
Logical Fallacies in Attacks Against the Bible: Eleven Examples (pdf download)
Pocket Guide to Logic and Faith by Dr. Jason Lisle and Patricia Engler (book)
Logic and Critical Thinking (webpage)
Public vs. Private Education (webpage)
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The logical fallacies can be bunched into a few headings. There are quite a few of them. In this episode, the fallacies of distraction are discussed.
This episode discusses the fallacies of ambiguity and the fallacies of form.
We need to prepare our kids to recognize faulty reasoning. Brett and Erin Kunckle discuss how to teach our kids to think critically by examining some of the most common logical fallacies.
The Fallacy Detective: Thirty-Eight Lessons on How to Recognize Bad Reasoning
What is a fallacy? A fallacy is an error in logic where someone has made a mistake in his thinking. This is a handy book for learning to spot common errors in reasoning. The Fallacy Detective has been the best-selling text for teaching logical fallacies and introduction to logic for over 15 years.
- For ages twelve through adult.
- Fun to use -- learn skills you can use right away.
- Exercises with answer key.
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