Keep Your Family Safe From Porn.

Defeat porn together. For over 20 years, Covenant Eyes has helped over a million people walk the path to a life free of pornography with an accountability service that monitors your screen activity and sends a report to a trusted ally who holds you accountable for your online choices. Whether you need to overcome porn watching as a man, woman, or to protect your child, Covenant Eyes can help.

Is Porn the Same as Prostitution? (article + video) - If I went to a prostitute and I brought a camera with me and said, “Okay, I’d like to hire you to make this film with me. I’m going to have sex with you and record it so I can go back again to watch it for my personal use. I might enjoy the whole experience, but that’s not what I’m paying you for. I’m paying you as an actress in my film.” This seems completely ridiculous. First, it overlooks the obvious: she’s engaging in an act of paid sex for the pleasure of others, which is the very motive of prostitution. Second, porn is, in some sense, even more exploitative: you are not just using the woman one time for your selfish pleasure; you are now exploiting her image again and again for pleasure.

10 Podcasts Sure to Help Your Recovery From Porn (article) - What are the best podcasts about porn addiction and recovery? Where can you find encouragement through powerful stories and practical advice from top experts? Covenant Eyes has been helping people on the journey away from porn for over 20 years. We’ve been privileged to work alongside incredible people who share our mission during that time. In this article, we look at ten podcasts that will instruct and inspire you on the path to a porn-free life! If there’s another podcast related to porn addiction and recovery


Porn Is the Ultimate Villain

  • Isolates you

  • Ruins your relationships

  • Kills your confidence

  • Supports human trafficking

  • Addiction forming

  • Fuels shame and hopelessness

  • Causes erectile dysfunction


Defeat Porn With Covenant Eyes

  • Connects you to others

  • Restores trust

  • Boosts confidence and peace

  • AI detects porn on your devices

  • Breaks the shame cycle

  • Equips your ally to help you

  • Helps restore sexual function


Choose your path by selecting an option below. Your answer will provide you with a tailored experience and suggest helpful resources.


Covenant Eyes accountability-based service is safe, secure, and proven effective at helping members overcome porn addiction.


What’s Wrong With The Gospel Coalition (TGC)?


Leaders To Avoid.