Is The Bible True & Reliable?

Defining Our Terms by Kevin Gardner (article) - The doctrine of Scripture is foundational to the Christian faith. But there is more to say about Scripture than simply, “The Bible says it. I believe it. That settles it.” If you don’t grasp what the Bible is and how it came to be, you’ll never fully grasp its meaning. Since the meaning of the Bible is vitally important to our faith and life, we will here briefly define a few key terms that relate to the doctrine of Scripture as the study of God’s Word written.

How Do We Know that the Bible Is True? by Dr. Jason Lisle (article)

Seven Compelling Evidences Confirm the Bible Is True by Answers in Genesis (article)

Appreciating the Diverse Evidence from the Dead Sea Scrolls by Anthony Ferguson (article)

How You Can Know We Have the Right Books in the Bible (article)

Four Ways Scholars Date Early Hebrew Bible Manuscripts by Drew Longacre (article)

Reasons You Can Trust the Bible by J. Warner Wallace (video playlist)

Establishing the Gospels’ Reliability by William Lane Craig (article)

How Do We Know the Bible Is True? by R.C. Sproul (article)

How Accurate Is the Bible? by Ken Boa (article)

The Inspiration and Authority of Scripture (webpage)

The Sufficiency of Scripture (webpage)

Why should we trust what the gospel authors have to say about Jesus? How can we test the Gospel authors to determine their accounts' reliability? J. Warner answers these questions in this video from a stage presentation from his book, Cold-Case Christianity.

How can the evidence convince anyone to be a Christian? What role does the evidence play in communicating the truth about Christianity? In this podcast, J. Warner describes the power of an evidential approach toward the claims of Christianity.

Throughout the years, skeptics have claimed that the Bible got specific historical figures, places, and people groups wrong. Over and over again, archaeological finds have proven them wrong. This episode discusses the top 5 archaeological artifacts that disrupted the skeptical narratives and affirmed certain people, places, and events in Scripture.

Who were the scribes who copied the biblical manuscripts? How many manuscripts do we have? When was the Bible canonized? What are some misunderstandings people have about how we got the Bible? In this episode, Dr. John Mead and Dr. Peter Gurry of the Text and Canon Institute at Phoenix Seminary join the podcast to share how we got the Bible and dispel some common rumors.


Dr. Frank Turek talks about how the embarrassing parts of the Bible are evidence that the Bible is the Word of God. Frank also talks about common questions and objections that college students typically have and how he handles them as a Christian apologist.

InPerspective Daily with Dr. Harry Reeder (Part 1) – A study from 2 Timothy 3:14-17. How can we know that the Bible is reliable and trustworthy?

InPerspective Daily with Dr. Harry Reeder (Part 2) A study from 2 Timothy 3:14-17. Has the Lord transformed your life through His inspired, God-breathed Word?


The Bible Is True Because the Bible Says It's True?


Is the Bible Reliable? Building the Historical Case by Stephen Meyer

DVD Study - Who is God, and how can we know Him? The Bible claims to be the direct revelation of our Creator. So, if the biblical record is accurate, it is a primary means by which the God of the universe has revealed Himself to mankind. In this DVD study, Dr. Stephen Meyer challenges you to examine the historical and archaeological evidence to determine the integrity and accuracy of biblical Scripture. Includes two DVDs with five 30-minute lessons. The discussion guide is sold separately below.


Is the Bible Reliable? Discussion Guide

The discussion guide is a companion to the DVD study set above.


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Bible Basics.


Bible Translations.