Inerrancy and Infallibility of Scripture.
“Inerrancy isn’t a cold academic doctrine but a great encouragement to trust in a God who cannot lie. ”
The Bible's inerrancy means it is without error. It is not only accurate in matters related to faith and practice but also accurate and without error regarding any statement (Defending Inerrancy).
The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy states:
WE AFFIRM that a confession of the full authority, infallibility, and inerrancy of Scripture is vital to a sound understanding of the whole Christian faith. We further affirm that such confession should lead to increasing conformity to the image of Christ. WE DENY that such confession is necessary for salvation. However, we further deny that inerrancy can be rejected without grave consequences for the individual and the church. (Article 19)
Defining Our Terms by Kevin Gardner (article) - The doctrine of Scripture is foundational to the Christian faith. But there is more to say about Scripture than simply, “The Bible says it. I believe it. That settles it.” If you don’t grasp what the Bible is and how it came to be, you’ll never fully grasp its meaning. Since the meaning of the Bible is vitally important to our faith and life, we will here briefly define a few key terms that relate to the doctrine of Scripture as the study of God’s Word written.
The Chicago Statement of Biblical Inerrancy (website)
The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy by Ligonier Ministries (article) - The authority of Scripture is a vital issue for the Christian Church in this and every age. Recognition of the total truth and trustworthiness of Holy Scripture is essential to a full grasp and adequate confession of its authority.
The Chicago Statement of Biblical Inerrancy - (pdf download of entire statement)
B. B. Warfield - Defender of Scripture (webpage)
B. B. Warfield’s famous essay, Inspiration (webpage) - laid out the traditional Protestant belief in the full infallibility and truthfulness of Scripture.
The Auburn Heresy (webpage)
A Layman's Historical Guide to the Inerrancy Debate by Reformation21 (article)
Is Biblical Inerrancy Defensible? by William Lane Craig (article)
What Difference Does an Inerrant Bible Make? by RC Sproul (article)
The Inerrancy of Scripture by Kevin Vanhoozer of the CS Lewis Institute (article)
Why Should We Believe in the Inerrancy of Scripture? by Brian Edwards of Answers in Genesis (article)
Is the Bible True and Reliable? (webpage)
The Bible is the written revelation of God. But since men recorded its verses, are the pages of Scripture capable of containing errors and mistakes? In this message, Dr. R.C. Sproul addresses the trustworthiness of the Bible as he examines the doctrines of the inspiration, infallibility, and inerrancy of God’s Word.
What would you say to a professing Christian who denies the inerrancy of Scripture? Dr. John MacArthur explains how to engage a professing Christian who denies the inerrancy of Scripture.
Defending Inerrancy: Affirming the Accuracy of Scripture for a New Generation by Norman Geisler and William Roach
The doctrine of inerrancy has been standard, accepted teaching for more than 1,000 years. In 1978, the famous "Chicago Statement" on inerrancy was adopted by the Evangelical Theological Society, and for decades, it has been the accepted conservative evangelical doctrine of the Scriptures. However, in recent years, some prominent evangelical authors have challenged this statement in their writings.
Now eminent apologist and bestselling author Norman L. Geisler, who was one of the original drafters of the "Chicago Statement," and his coauthor, William C. Roach, present a defense of the traditional understanding of inerrancy for a new generation of Christians who are being assaulted with challenges to the nature of God, truth, and language. Pastors, students, and armchair theologians will appreciate this clear, reasoned response to the crisis.
Scripture Alone: Exploring the Bible's Accuracy, Authority, and Authenticity by James White
Scripture Alone is written to instill a passionate love for and understanding of the Bible. In this defense of God's inspired Word, readers will comprehend what "God's Word"is, the nature of Scripture, the relationship of the Bible to tradition, how to apply Scripture to today's issues, and much more. James White has a chapter entitled “Definitions: More Than Half The Battle.” He is right that properly defining terms is often more than half the battle.
The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible by Benjamin B Warfield
B.B. Warfield is counted among the great theologians of the 19th century. As a Reformed, Evangelical scholar, he approached the scriptures as authoritative. This is his writings on the topic of Biblical authority. He comes with the ideas of inspiration, the oracles of God, and Canonicity. Some of his most significant writings are found here, valid for all who wish to defend the scriptures in a modern, critical world.
When we claim the Bible is devoid of errors, we must clarify what an error actually is. In this episode, Barry Cooper deciphers the doctrine of biblical inerrancy.
There are some professing Christians who believe the Bible contains errors. What should we say to them? Hear R.C. Sproul's response when he was asked to speak to this issue.
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