Leaders To Avoid.

We don’t throw people away, but without repentance, we don’t trust them.
— Rosaria Butterfield

Sam Allberry - false teaching of Side B/Gay theology

  • Founder of Living Out (the EU version of Revoice), writer for The Gospel Coalition, and pastor at Immanuel Nashville Church. Allberry promotes Side B/Gay theology, which you can read more about here.

  • He thinks we should use preferred pronouns to be hospitable, giving no objective Biblical evidence here.

  • Listen to Jon Harris examine a podcast by Sam Allberry here, where Allberry uses self-contradicting and nuanced language to defend his third way of describing sex and gender. Sam Allberry calls conservatives who oppose gay marriage “Cranky” but gay rights activists “Lovely.”

  • Allberry uses new vocabulary to diminish and cloak the sin here.

  • When asked if Christians should attend a gay wedding, Sam Allberry labeled it a “wisdom issue” with “good reasons” on both sides, here.

  • Temptation and Sin - Popular Book May Perpetuate “Side B” Errors - in Sam Allberry’s 2013 book, Is God Anti-Gay? Allberry "speaks less clearly on sexual identity and orientation..." Clarity is the issue over and over. Obfuscation makes it easier to please the world and fool the critics. God is not pleased nor fooled.

  • Living Out Part 3 – Unbiblical Counsel by Tom Buck (article) - Just because individuals agree with us on specific orthodox teaching does not mean that we should avoid careful discernment when they disagree on other fundamental issues. When Paul had his final meeting with the elders at Ephesus, he warned: “And from among yourselves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them” (Acts 20:30).

  • Living Out and a Call to Immediate Action by Tom Buck (article)

  • The Tempest in Sam Allberry’s Teapot: Much Ado About Not Talking Revoice 2019 by Thomas Littleton (article) - a good history of Revoice and those associated with it. The Same-sex talking points include open attacks on the nuclear family as an “idol” and brazenly deny that heterosexuality is normal or should be the object of a believer in their future identity.

  • Revoice is Fruit of Gospel Coalition’s Sam Allberry and Living Out Guys by Warhorn (article) - Sam Allberry and his LivingOUT poison has corrupted the church across North America, and it does so almost unopposed. We must work to warn our loved ones against the mainstreaming of gaydom.

  • Ligon Duncan -

    • News Roundup: Effeminate Singing, Ligon Duncan Hypocrisy - Jon Harris analyzes Ligon Duncan’s latest hypocrisy at 37:00. Ligon Duncan misuses scripture in this interview and doubles down when called out on it later on social media instead of simply admitting he made a mistake. Although we don’t agree with all Jon’s views (such as Christian Nationalism), he always presents a balanced, logical, and accurate view of the day's controversies.

    • Ligon Duncan signs the unbiblical Manhattan Declaration - Protestant Christians may share a common cause with Roman Catholics on social issues but have no reason in the gospel, as the views on salvation are wholly different and irreconcilable.

    • Justin Peter’s warning against a prominent social justice warrior, Ligon Duncan. Peters believes that the social justice ideology that Ligon Duncan has embraced is dangerous and pernicious.

    • Ligon Duncan wrote an enthusiastic foreword to Eric Mason’s social justice book, Woke Church. Duncan states that Woke Church is a solid book based on Neil Shenvi's review. Both Room For Nuance and Duncan argue that Neil Shenvi is no fan of wokeness. Neil Shenvi is a JD Greear’s church member and supported Resolution 9, which endorsed Critical Race Theory at the 2019 Annual Southern Baptist Convention.

  • JD Greear - false teaching of Side B/Gay theology and false teaching of Critical Race Theory

    • A speaker and council member at The Gospel Coalition and Summit Church believes using preferred pronouns is hospitality, calling it “generosity of spirit” here (2019). Three years later, after significant pushback, he has walked back his statement, saying he apologizes for “any confusion” his wording caused. Note that he does not say he was wrong. He’s sorry you have been confused: JD Greear Updates His Stances on Preferred Pronouns and the Bible “Whispering” About Homosexuality.

    • SBC President Continues to Promote Same-Sex Attraction “Christianity” (article) - along with Rebecca McLaughlin, who likes calling herself a same-sex attracted Christian. What is SSA “Christianity?” It is a movement that narrowly defines the sin of homosexuality to include only acting upon one’s sinful desires and defines the sinful desires themselves as simply a part of a person’s identity. Rather than instructing believers to “Put to death what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry”(Colossians 3:5), this same-sex attraction movement teaches that a regenerate believer can maintain their evil desires – even turning them into a cross to bear for the sake of the Gospel. For further reading, read Cody Libolt’s article Understand the New TGC Orthodoxy on Gay Christians.

    • JD Greear Calls on Christians to Stand Up for LGBT Rights

    • Far from condemning Critical Race Theory (CRT), he says that we shouldn’t resist those who are looking into the benefits of CRT or default to labeling believers who parse specific questions differently as “Marxist” or “racist.” Read more here. He institutes the diversity and inclusion agenda at his church.

    • Greear believes the SBC needs more “affirmative action” and has been personally accomplishing this by “rounding up the black folk” and promoting them based on the color of their skin. He says: “Our leadership should reflect the diversity of our communities and proclaim the diversity of Christ’s coming kingdom (Acts 13:1–2; Revelation 7:9). To that end, I have aggressively sought to appoint people of color into trustee spots and other positions of influence.”

    • Greear’s Summit Church was involved in an anti-police march in North Carolina alongside militant Black Lives Matter groups. The march was led by one of Greear’s co-pastors, the worship pastor Michael Georges Jr. - Southern Baptist President to Join Pro-Gay Militant Anarchy Groups in NC to Protest the Government - “Greear is now promoting an initiative by one of his underling pastors, Michael Georges Jr. who is leading a team from Summit Church to join with militant anarchy groups like the pro-LGBTQ Black Lives Matter and domestic terrorist group, ANTIFA to protest the government.”

    • After pledging to hire people because of their skin color, not because they are qualified to lead, JD Greear hires Worship Pastor Mike Georges, who says he believes having sex before marriage was good because it helped him and his wife know what they were getting into physically before they got married (below). This same “pastor” at JD Greear’s Summit Church also praised the LGBTQ community, stating, “The Sports & LGBTQ Communities Are Leading Out This Civil Rights Movement WAYYYYYY MORE THAN THE CHURCH!!!!! And If You Believe Otherwise, You Are Sadly In Denial Beloved!!! I Sincerely Applaud Them!!!”

  • Russell Moore - false teaching of Critical Race Theory and false teaching of New Age mysticism

    • Revoice is Fruit of Gospel Coalition’s Sam Allberry and Living Out Guys by Warhorn (article) - Sam Allberry and his LivingOUT poison has corrupted the church across North America, and it does so almost unopposed. We must work to warn our loved ones against the mainstreaming of gaydom. Russell Moore, Tim Keller, and Sam Allberry are spreading across the English-speaking world.

    • Progressivism on the Big Screen by Andrew Walker (article) - this documentary is a Trojan horse for progressive ideology. Christian participants (such as Russell Moore and David French) in this documentary will deny this intention. Still, the result of this documentary is the continued delegitimization of any form of Christian witness in the public square that dares to challenge progressive dogmas.

    • Russell Moore, Tyler Zach, and the Gospel For Enneagram - Moore should know better than to shill for something as wicked as the Enneagram, which is either legitimately demonic or a piece of clever charlatanry. Nevertheless, he does. Russell Moore is from Big Eva, and the Evangelical Industrial Complex exists not to further the cause of Christ but to make money off of professing Christians by tailoring products to their religion.

    • The Resistance Will Be Organized, Anti-Trump evangelicals are very organized and well-funded - Aaron Renn reveals a revelation in Alberta’s book that David French, Russell Moore, and Curtis Chang turned to secular funders to get their “After Party” small group curriculum that encourages Christians to be less partisan and more open to embracing the Left, into the church. “Chang could not raise much money for the project from evangelical donors. He then turned to secular funders.” Of course, secular donors are happy to fund an effort to spread false Christianity.

    • Follow the Money to the After Party Curriculum by Russell Moore, David French, and Curtis Chang by Megan Basham - To offer a politics curriculum backed by the secular left as the church’s solution to idolatrous co-optation by the right is like suggesting that a man who became obese eating cake and ice cream will lose weight by gorging on pizza and potato chips. As a friend told me, “If you want the church to be less political, start by focusing less on politics yourself.” 

    • Russell Moore’s Politics Curriculum Praises Pastor Who Invited Lesbian Mayor to Preach as an Example of Good Christian Politics - Russell Moore, David French, and Curtis Chang are the authors of “The After Party” curriculum, which is supposed to equip churches and Christians on how to engage in politics without being “divisive.”In a recent clip of several of the contributors to this “church” curriculum, they praise one of the most divisive, politically charged social justice pastors in all of Evangelicalism—Charlie Dates. Ray Ortlund (see below) also praises Dates.

    • How The Federal Government Used Evangelical Leaders To Spread COVID Propaganda To Churches - A webinar featuring Collins and then-ERLC-head Russell Moore primarily centered, again, on the importance of pastors convincing church members to get vaccinated. The discussion also moved on to the topic of masks. With Moore nodding, Collins held up a basic, over-the-counter cloth square, “This is not a political statement. This is not an invasion of your freedom…This is a life-saving medical device.”

    • Francis Collins, Russell Moore Host ‘Evangelicals & COVID-19 Vaccine’ - “It’s not just about this decision for yourself; it’s also about the opportunity to do something for your neighbors,” said Collins at a webinar called “Evangelicals & COVID-19 Vaccine” on Tuesday (April 27). “Brothers and sisters, this is a love-your-neighbor moment.”Southern Baptist ethicist Russell Moore and Christianity Today President Timothy Dalrymple joined Collins on the virtual panel.

    • ERLC Continues to Promote Horrible Bible Teachers, Leftists - The ERLC is hosting the Cross-Shaped Family Conference, and speaking at the event is a wild-eyed charismatic prophetess and egalitarian, a homosexual, and a Marxist social justice warrior.

  • Ray Ortlund Jr. - false teaching of the Gospel itself and supporting false teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT)

    • Ray promotes Social Justice and CRT - Multiculturalism in the Church is not a Biblical Mandate; It is a Heresy - Multiculturalism has erected itself as a golden calf in our culture, beguiling believers with the enchantment of inclusivity and acceptance. Yet its tenets are deceptive, fostering an unhealthy fixation on racial and cultural issues from a secular standpoint, an approach starkly at odds with God’s kingdom principles. Ray promotes Critical Race Theory and those who promote it, such as Matt Chandler, David Platt, JD Greear, Esau McCulley, Charlie Dates, and Thabiti Anyabwile (seen below).

    • Ray Ortlund promotes CRT by claiming on Twitter, which he has since deleted, that Moses renounced his “privilege” and that this is the same as “salvation.” Exact quote: “Moses renounced his social privilege, choosing to be mistreated with God's people (Hebrews 11:24-26). He didn't just decry his privilege; he crossed the line and left it behind, identifying with outsiders. And the Bible calls that saving faith.”

    • Ray Hates Trump and thinks those who don’t are bad Christians - Ray Ortlund Suggests ‘God No Longer Matters’ to People Who Voted for Trump - To say that God doesn’t matter to people who voted for Donald Trump is like saying gravity doesn’t matter to people who put on a parachute before jumping out of an airplane. Yes, it is that absurd.

    • Ray Ortlund and his CRT - Ray Ortlund Likes Tweet That Suggests White People Are Naturally Inclined to Kill Black People - Ortlund is a promoter of the godless anti-gospel woke movement, which seeks to turn the Church into a political launching pad for Cultural Marxism and social justice. He’s also a Regional Director in the Acts 29 Network and supports Matt Chandler, who teaches CRT. He also supported Mark Driscoll and CJ Mahaney until he was threatened to resign (see below). Ray also partners with and/or promotes people who teach Gay/Side B Theology, such as Sam Allberry (see Allberry problems above).

    • Ray is perplexed by what the gospel of Jesus Christ is. New TGC Podcast is a Masterclass in Gospel Distortion - his description of the gospel is entirely distorted: “In the last ten years, the most important thing I’ve learned is gospel culture, which gospel doctrine is there to create. The gospel is both truth and beauty. So that beautiful human relationships are not an afterthought – they’re not a layer of niceness on top of serious theology. Those beautiful relationships – captivating, humane, gentle, healing, reassuring – that relational beauty – is in fact what the gospel came down to accomplish.” No, Ray. Jesus Christ (not this new person “the gospel” you’ve invented) came down to accomplish salvation for sinners. He came to redeem us to the Father, not to create beautiful relationships with each other. Yes, edifying Christian brotherhood is a fruit of our redemption, but this material gift is not the purpose of Christ’s work. Many faithful Christians have lost every vital relationship they’ve had for the sake of the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Learn more about the true Gospel here.

    • Ray’s Gospel is False - His confusion is in his quotes below. Ray thinks he should preach Law OR Grace, Doctrine OR Relationships. This is a typical pattern with liberal teachers - the false dilemma (that you must choose either/or). When it should be both, you should be relational AND state the gospel when evangelizing. They don't understand this because they don't understand the gospel.

    • In 2007, he was asked to resign from his church, Christ Church Presbyterian (PCA) in Nashville, TN.

    • Conclusive Evidence the Investigation of C.J. Mahaney’s Confessed Sins by Kevin DeYoung, Ray Ortlund, & Carl Trueman Was Thoroughly Corrupt - the ungodly vindication and foolish counsel given to Mahaney by DeYoung, Ortlund, and Trueman significantly contributed to the demise of Sovereign Grace Ministries and the division that followed.  Lastly, what Mahaney confessed was disqualifying.  Therefore, it had to be covered up for him to remain in ministry. 

    • Ray Ortlund Severs Ties with C.J. Mahaney & Sovereign Grace Churches - you he be making a “public-facing statement” about cutting ties with C.J. and SGC?  In the same vein, has he announced church members? No one has defended C.J. more ardently over the past decade than Ray Ortlund.  He has justified him at every point.  

      Therefore, will he be asking forgiveness for the victims and the body of Christ he misled?  Will he publicly call for C.J.’s repentance and an independent investigation now?  Or is he blind to his sins and opposed to the Board’s decision? 

    • Ray “Ducky” Ortlund: Church Conflict Can Lead to Death - As pressure mounts for members of the NeoCalvinist community to acknowledge the terrible turmoil in Sovereign Grace Ministries, some members appear bound and determined to relegate this situation to the realm of "gossip." Ray Ortlund was a member of a three-man panel that exonerated CJ Mahaney a year ago. He must live with this one move for the rest of his life.

    • His son, Dane Ortlund, was also asked to resign from his church, Naperville Presbyterian Church (PCA), with an accusation that he had retaliated against a longtime female staffer after she filed a discrimination complaint. He wrote a book titled Gentle and Lowly in April 2020, which, contained theological and Christological problems - characterizing gentleness and lowliness as the primary and defining characteristics of Jesus. John MacArthur’s Gracy to You Ministry wrote a solid, biblically based critique of the problems in this book, stating, “Why would we publish a mostly negative review of a popular book that other discriminating reviewers have praised—a book that is likely to introduce new readers to the Puritans? Because at the end of the day, the book’s problems outweigh its benefits. The imbalanced view of Christ’s human character would be trouble enough. But Ortlund’s view of the divine character is the deal breaker—God as internally conflicted, moved by complex passions. Again, that idea is a dangerous and significant departure from classic theism.”

    • Will the Real Dane Ortlund Stand Up? Is He Gentle and Lowly or Authoritarian and Pastorcentric? - considering these tweets by Ortlund, you can see some cognitive dissonance. It is easy to write about the love of Jesus for sinners. It is another thing to share it with others. He seems to blame people for their frustrations, leading them to leave the church. Is he speaking about the people in his own church? Maybe these tweets reveal why he was asked to leave his Naperville church.

    • Ray’s other son, Gavin Ortlund, also has his problems. He resigned from his church as a pastor to become a full-time YouTuber. He shows up in all the liberal publications. He has very liberal leanings, such as promoting climate change, saying Universalists are still in the faith, saying Mary is the Ark of the Covenant, saying Christians who question government narratives are conspiracy theorists, calling people white supremacists, and more. You can read more about him here and here.

  • Jackie Hill Perry - false teaching of Side B/Gay theology and false teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT), promoted by John Piper

    • likes to state the same as Rachel Gilson above - “Sexual orientation does not factor into the Christian concept of salvation because God does not call people to be straight.” The first part of her statement may be accurate, but the second half is false. God sets the correct order in Genesis - He created man and woman and then went on throughout the Bible to tell us that same-sex anything (attraction, sex, etc.) is not normal.

    • She believes the Word of Faith's false teaching (what is taught at Bethel church) is not heresy, and she often shows up to “preach” and partner with them. She states she is not “tribalistic” in whom she associates within Christendom and has no problem fellowshipping with even the worst of the worst charismatics — Bethel Church.

    • She labels all white people as racist….”l feel like until all white people, and I say all white people, look within themselves and say, God, where’s the deceitfulness of my heart? Where have I bought into the narrative that all black people are criminals? Where am I treating my neighbor not as better than myself? Where am I assuming that I am superior and they are inferior because of the color of my skin? I am sorry, I have grieved you because they’re made in your image.” Think of the irony in this statement.

    • Problems with Jackie Hill Perry by Michele Lesley (article) - Besides the concerns about Jackie yoking with false teachers, her remarks and associations indicate that she increasingly identifies with the social justice/critical race theory/intersectionality movement.

    • Teacher to Avoid: Jackie Hill Perry by Wandering Pilgrims (webpage)

  • John Piper - lacks the wisdom of the age, partners and promotes false teachers, doublespeaks about CRT. Piper is the foremost catalyst that brought men like Mark Driscoll, Matt Chandler, and David Platt to fame. He also promoted Jennie Allen and the IF Conference.

    • Evangelical Leaders and Their Sacred Cows and John Piper on the Jab - an explanation of the sacred cows of evangelical leaders and John Piper’s very confusing article, which reinforces the necessity of getting the jab for Christians who feel the peer pressure not to. This is an odd article on a few levels. One of the most unusual things is how Piper, a seasoned pastor, stretches scriptures to support his point.

    • John Piper Encourages Vaccination - Piper says you are “free” to get vaccinated and also promotes The After Party author Curtis Chang who promotes vaccination and liberal social policies. See more about the problems with The After Party which should be strongly avoided.

    • John Piper On Rick Warren’s “Chrislam” - An example of how John Piper’s words, though eloquent and true, do not match his actions. An example of doublespeak - Rick Warren is also the man who John Piper has given a full-fledged endorsement since 2010 by stating that Warren is “at root theological and doctrinal and sound” and has given Warren multiple platforms over the last two years for which Piper has affirmed his endorsement of Warren’s ministry.

    • On the Piper-Warren Connection by Phil Johnson - Dr. Piper himself makes such an apologia for Warren, assuring viewers (without any substantiation other than their private conversation) that Warren is "deeply theological" and "at the root . . . doctrinal and sound." Jesus said, "Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad, for the tree is known by its fruit" (Matthew 12:33). That's fitting advice for a situation like this.

    • Is There a Baby in the Charismatic Bathwater? by Phil Johnson (article + audio) - Dr. Piper has shown a pattern of hesitation and uncertainty on issues for decades. Piper has said he wasn’t persuaded by either the cessationist argument. Yet, he wasn’t convinced that today’s charismatic phenomena are the same as those we see in the apostolic era.  He couldn’t be a cessationist, but he couldn’t be a full-fledged Pentecostal, either.  He says he was most comfortable in that sort of agnostic middle ground, and that’s where he remains today, not affirming and not sounding any clear alarm against whatever Charismatic fad happens to be the most popular.

    • Tim Keller, John Piper, & Donald Trump by Larry Alex Taunton - Oddly, Piper represents a segment of the evangelical population that demands his president bear the characteristics of an elder, pastor, or high priest. This runs counter to the biblical narrative.

    • The Salt That Has Lost Its Savor: The Woke Church and the Undoing of America - A superficial, self-righteous pietism that prefers tone to truth & style to substance has displaced authentic Christianity. Woke messages of pastors like Keller & John Piper et al. are a justification for doing what they were inclined to do anyway: nothing.

    • Is John Piper Woke? by Ray Fava - Concerns over John Piper are exceedingly valid, and he should be avoided.

    • John Piper on the Nature of Saving Faith by ES Williams - As we analyze Piper’s teaching, we need to be aware that he uses a form of writing that mixes truth with an error, making it difficult for the reader to detect philosophical contradictions. Simply stated, Piper’s argumentation works by asking his reader to give up, at first, a tiny grain of truth, and then after a while, to give up two more grains of truth, and later to give up even more and so on until the reader has given up more truth to Piper than he realizes.

    • John Piper's Damnable Heresies by Dr. Paul M. Elliott - It must be said, without hesitation and on solid Biblical grounds, that Dr. Piper is a heretic. He preaches a false gospel of justification by faith-plus-works and a philosophy of so-called Christian living that is rooted in ungodly secular philosophy and denies the Biblical doctrine of the sanctification of the believer by the indwelling Spirit of God.

    • John Piper on Andy Stanley: A Lukewarm Mollycoddling of Heterodoxy - Piper has been given glowing accolades for far too long by the evangelical establishment. Piper’s response to Andy Stanley, in classic John Piper manner, was highly nuanced, lukewarm, and deserving of a fair but firm critique. John Piper’s continuing compromise, walking on both sides of the aisle, and an ever-growing desire to come off as pleasing to man without offending anyone. An issue as pressing as the authority of God’s Word deserves the utmost attention. A stern and thorough rebuke is needed when Scriptural authority is challenged–especially by someone of Andy Stanley’s notoriety. John Piper has failed to do so.

    • Why I no longer follow John Piper or the Desiring God ministry - Piper's lack of obedience to God's word in 1 Corinthians 15:33, "Do not be deceived: 'Bad company ruins good morals.'" continued to perpetuate his decline in discernment. He also invited Rick Warren (2010) and Louie Giglio (2011) to speak at his Desiring God National Conferences.

    • Concerns About John Piper by Michelle Lesley

    • John Piper partners with the Acts29 Network. See the problems with Acts29 here.

John Piper says white Christians tend to identify their American worldview as identical to a Biblical worldview in this 2017 live stream lecture.

John Piper on Critical Race Theory

  • David Platt- false teaching of Critical Race Theory, promoted by John Piper

    • Discovery shows Pastor David Platt lied to McLean Bible Church - A Virginia lawsuit reveals David Platt lied as documents become public highlighting Platt’s deception.

    • David Platt & McLean Bible Church's Million Dollar Lawsuit | Guest Salvador Cordova by EDW - the real reason Platt has stepped down at McLean Bible Church in Virginia. There is a lot of money going around, and the upcoming release of documents will expose the proper relationship between McLean Bible Church and the Southern Baptist Convention. MBC’s million-dollar defense has resulted in defeat, and now they face exposure and greater scrutiny.

    • David Platt Steps Down as Lead Pastor, Assoc. Pastor Who Says He Wants to “Torch All White People” to Take Over - During an interview, Mike Kelsey–co-pastor at McLean Bible Church in Virginia with David Platt–said that it was difficult for him “not to torch all white people.” This level of racism should be intolerable in the Church of Jesus Christ. Instead, people like Kelsey are elevated to positions of leadership.

    • The Real David Platt Documentary—A movie made by former members of McLean Bible Church to expose the truth about Platt.

    • David Platt Says He Loves Jesus Even More Because of False Teacher, Francis Chan - As Francis Chan continues down this path of ecumenism, however, it’s surprising to see those like David Platt, who once upon a time stood as a living monument to biblical fidelity and against false teachings suddenly slip into a path embracing everything from social justice to charismaticism, to, well, now even Francis Chan’s nonsense.

    • David Platt’s Secret Church Goes Woke, Donations Plunge - Another element of Platt’s Woke Secret Church provides a glimpse into why Platt insists on multi-ethnic churches. It is a political goal. Platt taught that church-ethnic “homogeneity” fosters the social-political “status quo” in a society. Thus, the church must have multi-ethnic congregations since these “break down” barriers.

    • David Platt Says Political Convictions like ‘Anti-Abortion’ are Idolatry (article) - Platt’s position, of course, is terminal because he sees evil as a political issue, rather than a moral one. He states, “You cannot follow Jesus as a member of this church and advocate for abortion.” Yet, apparently you can promote, campaign for, vote for, and ostensibly run for office for the party that does all it can to advocate for, protect, expand, entrench, and promote it.

    • David Platt teaches Critical Race Theory - As A White Pastor, I Am Part Of The Problem - “I do not want to speak on issues that are popular among white followers of Christ while staying silent in the Bible on issues that are important to non-white followers of Christ.”

    • David Platt's Worst Woke Statements Ever—David Platt's McLean Bible Church is currently in the midst of a crisis of division and disunity caused by his unbiblical embrace of social justice, particularly a worldly form of "racial justice," as an outworking of the gospel. This montage demonstrates that David Platt has embraced all of this movement.

    • Is David Platt a False Teacher? - David Platt teaches social justice in a manner that comes across as milder than others, such as Duke Kwon or Jemar Tisby. Yet, even his teaching is rife with problems. He syncretizes Christianity and social justice to the point that the definition of what constitutes sin is changed. The remedy for sin also leads to a distortion of God's law. I don't have any other word but "false teaching" for what David Platt advocates.


David Platt: As A White Pastor, I Am Part Of The Problem: "I want to sacrifice more of my preferences as a white pastor. I need to grow in my laying aside of preferences for members of this body because I want Christ to be exalted through increasing diversity in our leadership and in our membership. On a related note, I do not want to speak on issues that are popular among white followers of Christ while staying silent in the Bible on issues that are important to non-white followers of Christ. That's not faithful pastoring. I actually read this week how studies have shown that white church leaders are less likely to speak and act prophetically on race issues because white church leaders have more to lose when they do. Basically, if you want to draw a crowd in general, stay away from racial issues. If you want to draw a crowd of white people or black people or this type of person or that type of person, then stay from saying any one of those types of people is part of the problem on racial issues. Coz the reality is many people mainly want to be comforted when they come to church, and as people, we're naturally drawn to those that bring the most benefit with the least cost. If you give people a choice between the church of Comfort and the church of Comfort, but you need to make sacrifices and change your life, people will choose the church of Comfort almost every time. This is why we've designed so much of the church culture the way we do today. It's why we're so prone not to talk about issues that are uncomfortable to us. And I just want us to see that the Bible doesn't give us that option, that Amos 5 doesn't give us this option. We cannot truly worship God while we stay silent on injustice in all kinds of areas. And I know as a white pastor, I have blind spots, so I am part of the problem. I need friends and fellow pastors around me from different ethnicities who help me see those blind spots. And I'm committed to listening, learning, loving, and laying aside whatever contemporary church growth methodology tells us is the best way to grow the church, i.e., ignore the issues. I want us to do the exact opposite. I want us to hear God's word clearly on these issues, and then we can trust him with the growth of this church."


  • Karen Swallow Prior - false teaching of Side B/Gay theology

    • was an English professor at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. She discusses her endorsement of the Revoice Conference here. Her book, Cultural Engagement: A Crash Course in Contemporary Issues, includes a chapter by Matthew Vines advocating the acceptance of same-sex relationships because Paul’s views in Romans 1 were shaped by an outdated “patriarchal logic” (88). Read more about the problem with Karen Swallow Prior here.

    • Karen Swallow Prior shared document at center of blackmail attempt - SEBTS email confirms Karen Swallow Prior shared Bucks’ rough draft with ‘persons for possible publication.’Tom and Jennifer Buck deny authorizing Karen Swallow Before sharing the manuscript with publishers. The Bucks say there is evidence she never shared it with a publisher. Prior was later let go from her job at SEBTS.

  • Scott Sauls - false teaching of Side B/Gay theology

    • Like Matt Chandler, Sauls also has his little scandal to report: Regional authority indefinitely suspends the Rev. Scott Sauls over toxic work culture…read about this here.

    • This is a good article examining the flawed theology of Saul’s support of Revoice: Scott Sauls- Apologist for Homosexual Christianity?

    • Exposing Revoice: Scott Sauls, The Tim Keller of Nashville (article) - Scott Sauls asked, is your heterosexual marriage as committed as some gay marriages? Some gay marriages are deeply committed, as out of step with scripture as they are. Your marriage commitment needs to be at least on the same level…to have some credibility.

  • Preston Sprinkle - false teaching of Side B/Gay theology

    • president of The Center for Faith, Sexuality, and Gender (endorsed by Frances Chan, Matt Chandler, Karen Prior, Gabe Lyons, Laurie Krieg).

    • Preston Sprinkle proposed that until the LGBT person’s “knee-jerk response” to “What do you think of when you think of the church?” is “kindness,” then “the church is failing to embody the presence of God as we ought.” By either dismissing or straw-manning legitimate concerns as “unloving,” Revoice proponents have made it clear that they will only consent to discuss their terms, thus closing themselves off to the warnings of many faithful believers, including believers who openly navigate their own crosses of same-sex attraction….read more here.

    • Rosaria Butterfield Accuses Revoice, Cru And Preston Sprinkle of Promoting ‘Lies’ About Sexuality by Jessica Lea (article) - Have you ever heard that same-sex attraction is a sinless temptation and only a sin if you act on it?” Butterfield asked her audience. “Or that people who experience same-sex attraction are gay Christians called to lifelong celibacy? Or that people who experience same-sex attraction rarely, if ever, change and, therefore, should never pursue heterosexual marriage? Those ideas are “lies” Butterfield said she had heard within the past year from Christian ministries, and she specifically named “Revoice, Preston’s Sprinkle’s Exiles in Babylon Conference sponsored by his heretical Center for Faith, Sexuality, & Gender, and Cru.”

  • Ed Stetzer -

    • How The Federal Government Used Evangelical Leaders To Spread COVID Propaganda To Churches - Ed Stetzer interviewed National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins on his podcast, “Church Leadership,” about why Christians who want to obey Christ’s command to love their neighbors should get the COVID-19 vaccine and avoid indulging in misinformation. “I just tell them, when you get vaccinated, post a picture and say, ‘So thankful I was able to get vaccinated,’” Stetzer said. “People need to see that it is the reasonable view.” Stetzer’s efforts to help further the NIH’s preferred coronavirus narratives went beyond simply giving Collins a softball venue to rally pastors to his cause. He ended the podcast by announcing that the Billy Graham Center would formally partner with the Biden administration.

    • Evangelicals: Who Are The Good & The Bad? by Rod Dreher - Stetzer was far from the only big-name right-of-center Evangelical to give Collins space to make his case without challenge. He had also written essays parroting Collins’ arguments on conspiracy theories. Among those, he criticized other believers for entertaining the hypothesis that the coronavirus had leaked from a Wuhan lab. He has never apologized or confessed to error on this.

    • SBC-Backed Organization Puts Out Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Propaganda Video - Just last week, "NewChurches," a project tied to Ed Stetzer and backed by the SBC, put out a video urging church planters to "add diverse voices" to their leadership teams and be "color-wise," not "color-blind."

    • "He Gets Us" at the Super Bowl with Ed Stetzer and Sean McDowell - they describe it as a visionary effort by Christian business leaders and marketing experts to reshape contemporary views of Jesus. Still, the He Gets Us campaign teaches a false gospel. Read about the problems with the He Gets Us campaign here.

  • Rick Warren - promoted by John Piper

    • Wandering Pilgrims info

    • On the Piper-Warren Connection by Phil Johnson (article) - I can't think of anyone who would make a finer poster boy for the pragmatic, spiritually impoverished, gospel-deprived message of modern and postmodern evangelicalism than Rick Warren. He is shallow, pragmatic, and chameleonic. He is a spiritual changeling who will say whatever his audience wants to hear. Warren has squandered too many opportunities to proclaim the gospel accurately and muffed too many questions on national television to be given a platform by one of the leading figures of Together for the Gospel, The Gospel Coalition, and similar movements whose central goal, after all, is to undo the damage Warren's philosophy has caused in the evangelical movement. Dr. Piper himself makes such an apologia for Warren, assuring viewers (without any substantiation other than their private conversation) that Warren is "deeply theological" and "at the root . . . doctrinal and sound." Jesus said, "Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad, for the tree is known by its fruit" (Matthew 12:33). That's fitting advice for a situation like this.


  • Mark Yarhouse - false teaching of Side B/Gay theology

    • a psychiatrist at Regent College who has conducted multiple studies on gender and sexuality and is touted by liberal outlets like Christianity Today and The Gospel Coalition as the leading Christian scholar on gender dysphoria. In his CT article, Yarhouse plods through a tiresome description of “three lenses” through which one can view transgender issues: the orthodox view, the heathen view, and the mushy middle view. Naturally, Yarhouse plants himself firmly in the mushy middle in true Tim Keller/Gospel Coalition fashion…read more here.


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