
Mainline Christian denominations in the USA are shown here. Generally, denominations labeled as “liberal/false” support gay marriage and abortions, support Palestine over Israel, interpret the Bible figuratively rather than literally (in its correct genre), and/or are Pentecostal. This is not an exhaustive list, but it covers the main denominations.

liberal vs conservative denominations

Denominations in the American Religious Experience by Robert Godfrey (video + transcript)

U.S. religious groups and their political leanings by Pew Research (article)

Anglican Church in North America (website)

The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (website)

Presbyterian Church of America (website) - the conservative branch of Presbyterians

Presbyterian Church of USA - Known as the PCUSA (webpage)- the liberal, heretical branch of Presbyterians. This page explains their downfall.

Southern Baptist Convention (website)

Denominations by Christianity in View (article) - Unlike the Roman Catholic Church, where the Pope and his Bishops interpret scripture, Protestantism encourages ‘Private Interpretation’ of scripture by the individual. As a direct result, differing denominational groups have emerged, each holding distinctive doctrines.


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Many different denominations make up the church of Jesus Christ. Listen as Harry Reeder describes some of the ways that these distinctions come about.

This is the first in a series of episodes describing different denominations. It lays out what to expect, the series' approach, and some preliminary discussions.

Many people are curious why there are so many denominations—Baptist, Lutheran, Episcopalian, Methodist, etc. Are denominations sacred or sinful? Do all denominations lead people to heaven?


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Expository Preaching.