
The churches in these searches come from traditionally conservative, biblically-grounded, gospel-preaching ministries and denominations. However, unbiblical churches may have crept in within these once solid and reliable denominations. Because we cannot evaluate and endorse each church individually, we encourage you to use our resource page describing How to Find a Biblical Church to help you evaluate each church you consider.

Church Finder

  • G3 Church Network

    The goal of G3 Church Network is to be a ministry connection point for pastors and local churches and to engage in joyful ministry together for the glory of God.

  • Founders Ministries

    Founders Ministries is committed to encouraging the recovery of the gospel and the biblical reformation of local churches.

  • The Master's Seminary

    The Master’s Seminary church finder helps to locate churches with seminary alumni who are known for expository preaching and biblical ministry.

  • Reformed Baptist Church Network

    The Reformed Baptist Network glorifies God through fellowship and cooperation in fulfilling the Great Commission to the ends of the earth.

  • Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America

    The aim of the RPCNA is to glorify God and enjoy Him fully. “ We are eager for his return but do not wait until then to recognize Jesus Christ as King and Lord of all. Our beliefs all stem from a full commitment to the authority of the Bible as the inerrant, infallible Word of God.”

  • Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)

    The PCA is Faithful to the Scriptures, True to the Reformed Faith, and Obedient to the Great Commission. The Word of God, rather than tradition, is the only guide for the Church.

  • Anglican Church in North America (ACNA)

    Anglicanism brings together the authority of the Bible, the historic faith, and the beauty of structured prayer. It is rooted in tradition yet contemporary in practice.

    *We suggest you NOT consider any church associated with The Diocese of Churches for the Sake of Others (C4SO). This is a rogue diocese that teaches CRT, The Enneagram, and Mysticism, & supports authors, pastors, and speakers with anti-biblical books and views.

  • The Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches

    The Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches

    A growing body of congregations spanning much of the world, including the United States, Canada, Japan, Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Central Europe, and Southern Asia. CREC churches uphold and embrace the historic Christian Creeds. Each congregation also affirms the evangelical tenets of Protestantism, holding to one or more confessional documents of the Reformation.