Women’s Bible Studies and Conferences

Women want to have an accurate theological understanding of God’s Word. When they gather, whether at a conference or a Bible study, women want to be challenged and have the opportunity to grow and thrive in God’s Word.

Our list includes only theologically solid conferences, teachers, and studies to help you learn and grow. 

Note: Recommendations do not mean a full author endorsement of every topic. There may be points of disagreement to one degree or another. For example, a view of Eschatology or baptism may not agree with our stance. However, all primary issues of Christianity are in agreement. To see what we believe and how we discern biblical teachers, go here.

Bible Studies.

  • Discovering Hope in the Psalms

    Explore God's Word deeper and engage with His truth in fresh ways! This 9-part study of Psalms of Hope invites you to discover inspired Hebrew poetry's incredible design and purpose. Perfect for group discussion or personal reflection, Discovering Hope in the Psalms offers compelling teachings, motivating devotions, and plenty of creative options for interacting with the Psalms—including beautiful artwork to color. You can watch the weekly teaching videos for free.

    Book Video Teaching Sessions About the Psalms

  • The Intimate Marriage: A Practical Guide to Building a Great Marriage

    Dr. R.C. Sproul shows how marriages can be joyful when grounded in the wisdom of God. From communication to sex, divorce to the sanctity of marriage, Sproul leads you past potential problems into joyous communion with your spouse in Christ. Dr. Sproul also shares lessons learned from his marriage and includes questions for discussion after each chapter.

    Learn More

  • Empowering Your Kids to Challenge Cultural Lies

    This mom-to-mom guide will equip you to teach your kids how to form their own biblical beliefs about what is true and what is false through transparent life stories and straightforward, practical applications, including prayer strategies. You’ll come to understand the secular worldviews your children (and you) face every day.

    Book Study Guide

  • Talking with Your Kids about Jesus

    This book will equip you to have 30 must-have conversations with your kids about Jesus, given the challenging secular world in which they’re growing up. Sections include 1) the identity of Jesus, 2) the teachings of Jesus, 3) the death of Jesus, 4) the resurrection of Jesus, and 5) the difference Jesus makes.

    Book Study Guide Trailer

  • Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age

    Rosaria Butterfield uses Scripture to confront five common lies about sexuality, faith, feminism, gender roles, and modesty often promoted in our secular culture today. Written in the style of a memoir, this book explores Butterfield’s battle with these lies―interwoven with cultural studies, literary criticism, and theology―to help readers see the beauty in biblical womanhood, marriage, and motherhood.

    Written for Christian Women: Inspires women to preserve godly values around womanhood, marriage, and motherhood and offers guidance as they shepherd the next generation.

    Book Study Guide Author Interview

  • Fault Lines : The Social Justice Movement

    In this robust 10-part curriculum, Voddie Baucham, pastor and apologist, explains the satanic worldview behind the social justice movement and critical race theory and how they have crept into seminaries and churches. You’ll learn why the current social justice movement directly opposes biblical justice.

    Book DVD with Study Guide About Social Justice

  • The Daily Grace Company

    This company creates Beautiful, Theologically Rich, & Accessible Resources that equip disciples to know and love God and His Word. They have many Bible studies from which to choose.

    Studies Podcast

    ***Daily Grace Co is not to be confused with Gracelaced Co by Ruth Chou Simmons. We do not recommend Gracelaced as Ruth has recently partnered with false teacher Ann Voskamp.

    Should We Partner with False Teachers?

  • screwtape letters book study

    The Screwtape Letters

    In The Screwtape Letters, C. S. Lewis re-imagines Hell as a gruesome bureaucracy. With spiritual insight and sarcastic wit, Lewis suggests that demons, laboring in a vast enterprise, have recognizable human attributes: competition, greed, and totalitarian punishment. Avoiding their painful torture, as well as a desire to dominate, are what drive demons to torment their “patients.”

    Learn More


Answers for Women

By Answers in Genesis. Past speakers include Ken Ham, Dr. Georgia Purdom, Allie Beth Stuckey, Justin Peters, and Costi Hinn. They have a conference once a year.

Answers for Leaders

By Answers in Genesis. How can we answer the compromise dripping into our pews with “grace and truth”? Get practical answers from God’s Word at this three-day conference

G3 Ministries

G3 has several conferences throughout the year with the largest in September. Most are for men and women and address themes such as the Sovereignty of God and the Sufficiency and Inerrancy of Scripture.

Founders Ministries

Founders have their big conference once a year, along with other mini-events throughout the year. Families are invited. They even have a room for young families with streaming for when the kids need to stretch and play.

Women in Apologetics

Educating, equipping, and encouraging women in Christian apologetics. They are passionate about helping women to think deeply and intelligently about their faith. They have a conference once a year.

Ligonier Ministries

Ligonier has several conferences throughout the year, with their largest one in May. Both men and women are invited.

Open Hearts in a Closed World

This is a 5 day, free, online conference offering sound teaching that encourages, exhorts, and trains women for the glory of Jesus Christ.

Always Ready

This conference by Ligonier Ministries is for those with youth and helps Christian young people face constant attacks on the truth claims of their faith. There are several held throughout the year.

Christian Women BibleTeachers.

These women are called to teach at different churches and events. You can search for them online to see if they are teaching in your area or visit their website to see their current schedule.