Charles Spurgeon.

-(1834 - 1892)
-Pastor and author
-Baptist with Calvinistic beliefs

Charles Haddon Spurgeon is known as the Prince of Preachers. He was influenced by his grandfather, James Spurgeon, a Puritan preacher. Although he never earned a college degree, he attended an Anglican school where he learned Latin, Greek, and philosophy. He loved reading and was most influenced by Foxe’s Book of Martyrs and The Pilgrim’s Progress. He began his career at 15 as pastor of Waterbeach Baptist Chapel near Cambridge. At 19, he delivered his first sermon at the famous New Park Street Chapel in London and was later called to become their pastor. The congregation grew so large that a larger church, the Metropolitan Tabernacle, was built. He was married to Susannah Spurgeon, who supported his career.

In addition to being a pastor, he was the editor of The Sword and the Trowel, a monthly magazine. He founded a college for pastors and an orphanage. He was outspoken against false teaching, which led to the Downgrade Controversy. His four main concerns were the following errors in churches at that time:

  • They denied the infallibility of Scripture.

  • They rejected the necessity and substitutionary nature of Christ’s atonement.

  • They denied the existence and eternality of hell.

  • They affirmed universalism.

Learn more about the Downgrade Controversy here.

We cannot hold the inspiration of the Word, and yet reject it; we cannot believe in the atonement and deny it;… we cannot recognize the punishment of the impenitent and yet indulge the ‘larger hope.’ One way or the other we must go. Decision is the virtue of the hour.
— Charles Spurgeon

The Spurgeon Center (website) - The Spurgeon Library exists to promote Jesus Christ by remembering the life and legacy of Charles Spurgeon. In addition to preserving the collection for posterity and providing study space for scholars and students, the library will allow Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary to equip pastors, teachers, and students to fulfill God’s calling in their lives.

Charles Spurgeon sermons: False Teachers (articles) - a collection of sermons focusing on false teachers.

Spurgeon Gems (website)—Chapel Library brings you the most extensive collection of resources online, including a 63-volume set of sermons, audio sermons, books, and quotes.

C.H. Spurgeon: The People's Preacher (video) - an inspirational docudrama faithfully recreates the times of C.H. Spurgeon and brings the “people’s preacher” to life as it follows his trials and triumphs with historical accuracy.

Scripture: Charles Spurgeon’s Unshakable Foundation by Steven Lawson (article) - his fundamental commitment to the Bible was the cornerstone on which Spurgeon built his ministry. He contended that those who stand in pulpits must believe that the Bible is not the word of the men who recorded it. Instead, they must affirm that it is the written Word of the living God.

Charles Spurgeon on the Need for Spirit-Empowered Preaching by Steven Lawson (article) - Spurgeon believed that the Spirit must set his heart ablaze before the gospel could spread to the hearts of his listeners: “The Holy Spirit will move them by first moving you. If you can rest without their being saved, they will rest, too. But if you are filled with agony for them and cannot bear that they should be lost, you will soon find that they are uneasy, too.” This is to say, a fire in the pulpit soon spreads to the pews. Spurgeon knew he could not preach without this Spirit-ignited fire.

Around the Wicket Gate by Charles Spurgeon (free ebook) - an allegory that begins with the image of the wicket gate, the entry point to the straight and narrow way that all pilgrims must follow to reach the Celestial City with examples of both the best and the worst of human behavior to communicate the importance of affirming faith and salvation in Jesus Christ.

A Sharp Knife for the Vine Branches by Charles Spurgeon (sermon) - John 15:2, “Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away; and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.” Ah! Friends, man can counterfeit cleverly, but when the devil helps him, he becomes a master of the art. You will see pieces of coinage that are almost impossible to discover as mere counterfeits by their appearance or their ring; in the scales, they almost deceive you, but you put them into the fire, and then the discovery is made.

Holding Fast the Faith by Charles Spurgeon (sermon) - God grant us faithfulness for the sake of the souls around us! How can the world be saved if the Church is false to her Lord? How are we to lift the masses if our fulcrum is removed? If our Gospel is uncertain, what remains but increasing misery and despair? Stand fast, my Beloved, in the name of God! I, your Brother in Christ, implore you to abide in the Truth of God. Conduct yourselves like men; be strong. The Lord sustains you, for Jesus' sake.

The Prince of Preachers Charles Spurgeon was the most famous preacher in the entire 19th century. Even today, he is the most quoted and referenced theologian in all Christian history. He gave all, even his health, to fight for the Truth of God and the authority of Scripture within the church. Join us as we dig into the life of this fascinating and godly man!

This message by Michael Reeves on "Spurgeon and the Christian Life" was given at Bethlehem Baptist Conference 2018. It is based on his book of the same name.

A daily devotional of Charles Spurgeon’s most beloved work—Morning and Evening.

Steven Lawson presents the life of Charles Spurgeon.


Did you know that Charles Spurgeon began preaching at the young age of fifteen? Dr. Steven Lawson joins Dr. Stephen Nichols to discuss the early years of Spurgeon's ministry.

Throughout his ministry, Charles Spurgeon faced opposition from every side. Dr. Steven Lawson joins Dr. Stephen Nichols to discuss how the Lord used Spurgeon's trials to further the gospel's message.

This podcast journey goes through the preaching ministry of Charles Spurgeon. Listen to his sermons read aloud.

Giving new life to The Prince of Preachers through the magic of podcasting. Complete sermons of the Rev. Charles Haddon Spurgeon and discussions of his life, theology, ministry, and continuing relevance.


Organized around the central beliefs that undergirded his ministry―the centrality of Christ, the importance of the new birth, the indwelling of the Spirit, and the necessity of the Bible―this introduction to Spurgeon’s life and thought will challenge readers to live their lives for the glory of God.

For more than 150 years, Morning and Evening has provided millions of readers encouragement, challenge, and thought-provoking insight from the pen of one of history's most beloved preachers, Charles H. Spurgeon. Spurgeon's sermons and other writings have touched countless lives, and his insight into perseverance through times of trial while relying on God's immeasurable strength still speaks to readers today. This fantastic gift edition of Spurgeon's bestselling daily devotional contains the original twice-daily text.

Charles Spurgeon is considered one of the greatest preachers in the history of Christianity. In this book, Simonetta Carr informs us how young Charles learned to look to Christ alone for salvation and never tired of pointing others to his savior. See how God used this young country boy to preach to thousands, provide training for pastors, start orphanages, and stand against those who denied the basic teachings of the Bible. Colorful illustrations, interesting facts, and a compelling story combine to introduce young readers to this essential British preacher.

This book is a collection of sentences, illustrations, and quaint sayings from renowned Puritan, Thomas Brooks. Gathered by Spurgeon out of the 6 volume set of Brook's Works, it remains an excellent introduction to both the man and his writings.

Charles Spurgeon said that people who’ve come out of grievously sinful pasts make some of the best evangelists: ‘Give me great sinners to make great saints; they are the glorious raw material for grace to work upon; and when you do get them saved, they will shake the very gates of hell. The ringleaders in Satan’s camp make noble sergeants in the camp of Christ. These bravest of the brave are they.’ All for the glory of God!
— Unknown


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