Books on Biblical Worldview

What is a worldview? As the word suggests, a worldview is an overall view of the world. It’s not a physical view but rather a philosophical view, an all-encompassing perspective on everything that exists and matters to us. Worldviews also largely determine people’s opinions on matters of ethics and politics. They shape what we believe and are willing to accept, how we interpret our experiences, behave in response to those experiences, and relate to others. Read more at On World Views.

The issues of the day include relativism (there is no truth), the role of science, the authority of the Bible, statism vs. liberty, Marxism, wokeness, critical race theory, political totalitarianism, the nature of man, LGBTQ, Same-sex marriage, Abortion, Euthanasia, Pornography, and more. These books will help you wade through these issues, viewing them from a Biblical worldview.

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